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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/1988 str. 22     <-- 22 -->        PDF

quantity and quality. In order to make a success of this very important project
it is necessary to study the bioecologdcal characteristics in the tree species, (i. e.
provenances, in the conditions into which these species are intended to be introduced,
with simultaneous comparison of these ecological conditions with the natural
geographical region, which is particularly significant for the Sitka spruce
as it covers areas with very different ecological conditions.

The investigation covered 6 IUFRO-provenances of Sitka spruce, which im
their ninth year were used for the observation of height increment rate.

It was concluded that in view of the commencement and completion of height
increment there are no statistically significant differences between the provenances,
but in the colder geographical regions all provenances display delayed
commencement and earlier completion of height growth.