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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-5/1990 str. 39     <-- 39 -->        PDF


Đurić, M. (1987): Sociologija Maxa Webera, Naprijed, Zagreb.
Petz, B. (1985): Osnove statističke metode za nematematičare, SN Liber, Zagreb.
Supek , R. (1981): Ispitivanje javnog mnijenja, SNL, Zagreb.
*** (1977: Rječnik sociologije i socijalne psihologije, Informator, Zagreb.

Dimensions of the Socio-economic Status of Forestry Workers

S u m m a r y

The Cabinet for Marxism and Self-Management of the Faculty of Forestry in
Zagreb was assigned a task by the Forestry Research Institute of the same Faculty,
to investigate the »human factor« in the forestry. Among other aspects, the
investigations included the socioeconomic status and he hierarchy of the workers
in the forestal economy of the SR of Croatia. The index of the socioeconomic
status of forestry workers was determined and the cross-compared with different
sample categories. That is, the results of the survey made by means of enquiry
forms, were subjected to a polyvariant analysis.

The following dimensions of the socioeconomic status of forestry worker were
established: level of education, affiliation to a certain sample category (labourer,
foreman, president of the workers´ council, secretary of the local branch of the
Communist League, president of the Workers´ Assembly and president of the trade
union), posession of automobiles and equipment of the households with durables.

The socioeconomic status is determined by the square footage of the apartment/
house and the number of the employed members of a household.

On the »status symbol« basis was ascertained that the foremen rank very
high and labourers very low, which means that the level of education is not a
decisive factor, because the workers with college and high school education regularly
take a mid position.

The forestry is a traditional activity and all the examined workers lead a
traditional (rural) way of life: they possess the land, cattle, tractors etc. and thus
running the »grey economy« and working on two places, they improve their socioekonomic