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ŠUMARSKI LIST 6-8/1990 str. 69     <-- 69 -->        PDF

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potrošnje goriva na radovima proreda sastojina. Mehanizacija šumarstva,´
vol. 14, no 3/4, 1989.
Strehlke, E.-G., Sterzik, H. K., Strehke, B.: Forstmaschinenkunde,
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Turk , Z.: Metodika kalkulacija ekonomičnosti strojnog rada u šumarstvu.
Biotehn. f. Inst. za goz. in les. g. Vt. za gozd., Str. i zn. r. 57, Ljubljana, 1977.
Fuel and Lubricant Consumption of a Power Chain Saw STIHL 056 During Ft´lling
and Primary Conversion of Round Timber and Cubic Metre Stacked Wood in Ripe
Stands of Pedunculate Oak

In this paper the authors deal with the consumption of fuel and lubricant of
a power chain saw Stihl 056 at felling and primary conversion of ripe stands of
Pedunculate oak, with the application of assortment method. Tree diameters ranged
from 39 to 65 cm.

Consumption of fuel and lubricant per tree increases with the growth in diameter,
so that the relation of fuel consumption in trees of 39 cm and 65 cm in
DBH can be expressed as 1.0 : 2.2. In the case of lubricant the relation is similar
and can be expressed as 1.0 : 2.0.

The percentage of lubricant consumption compared to fuel consumption per
tree decreases with the DBH and on average amounts to 38%.

Vith the growth in diameter of a tree and round timber the consumption of
fuel and lubricant per m:1 of worked up volume of wood decreases. In the case
of trees with 65 cm DBH compared to trees of 39 cm DBH the consumption of
fuel decreased by 16% and lubricant by 28"´/n.

In investigated trees of all diameters the relation between the DBH and mean
diameter of round timber was determined for each tree. Thus, a connection was
established between consumption of fuel and lubricant per m´1 by mean diameter
of round timber for trees of all diameter sub-classes.

The mean diameter of stacked wood does not depend on the tree diameter
and on average it amounts to 13.5 cm with bark. The consumption of fuel and
lubricant per m:1 of volume of wood for stacked wood is presented on average
for trees of all diameters and amouts to 0.319 l,´m;l for fuel and 0.119 1 m:i for

Average consumption of fuel and lubricant per m´! in felling and working up
of stacked wood is 2.5 times greater compared to the consumption in felling and
working up of round timber.

A dominant influence on this difference can be explained by the fact that
four times more sawing is needed in the case of stacked wood. Namely, the length
of one piece of stacked wood amounts to one metre, while in timber four metres
on average. The mean average in the latter case was 2.7 times greater.

Key words : Pedunculate oak stand, seed felling, assortment method, power
chain saw, round timber, stacked wood, tree time, assortment time, consumption
of oil and lubricant, tree, cubic metre.