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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1991 str. 49     <-- 49 -->        PDF

To manić, S., Vondra, V., Martini ć, I (1989): Oštećivanje sastojina pri
šumskim radovima. Mehanizacija šumarstva, vol. 14. 3 4. Zagreb. Str. 65—72.
Z d j e 1 a r, M. (1990): Utjecaj metoda gradnje traktorskih vlaka na proizvodnost
i ekonomičnost rada, oštećivanje stabala i naprezanje radnika. Mehanizacija
šumarstva, vol. 15. 1/2. Zagreb.
Damage to Stands of Trees in the Felling, Processing and Hauling of Timber

S u m m a r y

This article deals with research data on the damage to stands of trees caused
by the felling, processing and hauling of timber in a 47-year-old stand consisting
of beech, bay oak and hornbeam on Bilogora. Five methods were compared for
the cutting and hauling of timber which represent the methods of work in the
thinning of young stands in the territory ŠG »Mojica Birta« Bjelovar. Indices of
tree damage were as follows: economic importance, tree location, cause of damage,
type of damage, site of damage, extent of damaged bark and condition of damaged
tree. The amplitude of damage is indicated by the ratio between the number of
damaged trees and all remaining trees in the stand. These elements were confirmed
for 24 examples of surfaces after the completion of work.

In the cutting, processing and hauling of timber, 8.2´V» of the remaining trees
were damaged, i.e. every 12th tree. Roughly every tree felled resulted in damage
to one other tree. Hauling away of the timber was the most frequent cause of
damage (53.2%») followed by processing of the timber (46.8´Vo). Damage most often
occurrd to the root collar and thick trees of the classes of 10 to 100 cm2 by the
crushing or peeling of the surface bark. Damage due to the cutting and processing
of timber had significantly more serious consequences than that caused by
hauling. A large number of broken and overturned trees were the reason for
the irrevocable destruction of 20.3´/o of the damaged trees or every 5th damaged
tree. Employing the classic team of horses to remove a meter of firewood caused
twice as little damage than the other hauling methods.

Key words : tree harvestaing, processing and hauling of timber, damaged