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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1991 str. 64     <-- 64 -->        PDF


Gould , E. M., (1967): Simulation and Forestry, IUFRO-Kongres, München (str.
Pranjić , A., (1986): Šumarska biometrika, Zagreb (str. 95—99)
Pranjić , A., (1985): Hipotetski razvoj sastojina hrasta lužnjaka. Glasnik za šumske
pokuse. Vol. 23, (str. 1—23)

Pranjić, A., Hi tree, V. & Lukić, N., (1988): Praćenje razvoja sastojina
hrasta lužnjaka tehnikom simuliranja. Glasnik za šumske pokuse, Vol. 24, (str.

Ryszard , M., (1975): The application of the method of simulation and computers
prognostic objects in forestry IUFRO-Symposion, Beograd (str. 125—

Simulation of Present and Future Distribution of Chest-Level Diameters


This article describes a way to simulate the present and future distribution
of chest-level diameters. The distribution of chest-level diameters was simulated
in two different ash stands of uniform age.

Present distribution is simulated on the basis of arithemtic means, standard
deviations and the number of trees.

Future distribution (after 10 years) is simulated by the addition of the one-
year radial growth of each tree for a series of 10 years. This growth is calculated
for each simulated tree as a linear function of its diameter with the addition
of the product of standard deviation in the direction of equalized growth and
the u-variable, the value of which is determined by random number.

Ke y words : simulated distribution, simulated growth, u-variable