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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-5/1991 str. 103     <-- 103 -->        PDF

dinih grupa štetnika koji izazivaju defolijaciju. Višekratna i uzastopna defolijacija
može izazvati sušenje, a pogotovo ako koincidira sa drugima nepovoljnim
ekološkim faktorima. Ona je jedna važna komponenta u kompleksu
faktora koji djeluju u interakciji. Suzbijanje defolijatora može odgoditi ili
spriječiti fatalne posljedice koje dovode do sušenja šumskih sastojina.


Androić , M. (1978): Entomološki faktor u lancu uzroka koji dovode do poremetnje
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Bilandžija , J. (1989): Reagiranje šumskih vrsta na polutanate. Radovi br. 80,
191—208, Šumarski institut Jastrebarsko.
Cambell , R. (1979): Gypsy moth: Forest influence. U.S. Forest Service, Agricultural
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Harapin , M. (1988): Štetna entomofauna u šumama SR Hrvatske. Radovi br. 75,
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Harapin , M. (1989): Utjecaj defolijacije na sušenje hrastovih nizinskih šuma.
Glasnik za šum. pokuse br. 25, 155—160, Šumarski fakultet Zagreb.
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Mikloš, I. (1976): Stereonychus fraxini Deg. (Curcalionidae, Col.) and the dying
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pedunculate oak in Yugoslavia. XVI IUFRO World Congress, Oslo.

Prpić , B. (1986): Ekologija šuma — razvoj i problemi. Šumarski list 7—8, str.

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Schwerdtfeger , F. (1970): Die Waldkrankheiten, Paul Parey, Hamburg.
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Spaić, I., Glavaš, M. (1988): Uzročnici šteta na lužnjaku u Jugoslaviji. Glasnik
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Vajda , Z. (1978): Utjecaj klimatskih faktora na rast i zdravstveno stanje šuma.
Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Forstwessen, No 10.

The Significance of Biological Factors in the Dieback of Forests


Among all broadleaved species the Pedunculate Oak is effected by the largest
number of harmful insects, while damage and threat to it is much higher than
in other parts of Europe. Up to 6 years ago gipsy moth (Lymantria dispar L.) was
the most important harmful insect of the Pedunculate Oak. During the period of
most intensive dieback of the Pedunculate Oak, apart from the gipsy moth the
following defoliators were permanently present: oak leaf-roll moth (Tortrix virv
dana L. Archips crataegana Hb. A. xylosteana L.), browns-tail moth (Euproctischrysorrhoea L.), winter moth (Eranis defoliaria CL, Operophtera brumata L.
Himera pennaria L.), oak-tree Tenthredinidae (Apeihymus abdominalis Lep., A.
braccatus Gmel.), sovice (Orthosia cruda Schiff., Acronicta aceris L.), etc. Massive
dieback of the Pedunculate Oak began in 1910 and has continued up to the present