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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-5/1991 str. 51     <-- 51 -->        PDF

Introduction of Heavy Metals by Polluted Flood Waters into Soils of Lowland
Forests of East Slavonia


The results of research of lead, zinc, copper, iron and manganese content in
soils of lowland forests of east Slavonia reveal the following:
Soils flooded by Drava, Dunav and Sava rivers are more loaded with heavy
metals than the soils of the surrounding, non-flooded terrains.

The content of heavy metals in river sediments of Drava and Dunav rivers
is as a rule lower than the one in soils of flooded areas. Sava sediments have
heavier mechanical composition and contain more organic matter and therefore
have higher capacity of heavy metals linking.

Relatively low concentrations of lead and zinc were determined in soils of
Spačva basin. These soils are nevertheless more loaded by heavy metals and
copper than the soils of middle Posavina.

The content of lead and zinc in soils flooded by Drava, Dunav and Sava
waters by far exceedes the values set as limits for toxic impact on forest trees,
young crops especially. It can have negative cansequences on game, fungi and
other secundary forest products and consequently on man, too.

In the area of Spačva basin, the content of lead and zinc is lower than the
values considered toxic for forest trees.
The content of copper in all the analyzed samples is within the »permitted«

Soils exposed to floods of polluted waters have generally high reaction and
contain much organic matter. It is particulary important for reduction of activities
and toxicity of heavy metals.

Further increase of soil loading by heavy metals can be stopped only by
filtering waste that pollute Drava, Dunav and Sava rivers an their tributaries.
English oak stands with developed underwood have shown to be a good
barrier to spreading of lead from car exhaust gases.