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ŠUMARSKI LIST 6-9/1991 str. 105     <-- 105 -->        PDF


Goglia , A. (1917): Uredovna zbirka šumarskih propisa, Zagreb, str. 1—320.
Griinwald , J. (1926): Male šumske općine u Hrvatskoj i Slavoniji, Pola sto

ljeća šumarstva 1887—1926, Zagreb, str. 268—278.
Krbek , I. (1921): Zemljišne zajednice, Zagreb, str. 1—170.
Novak, N. (1991): Kordunsko-Pokupsko Šumsko-gospodarsko područje, Karlo

vac, str. 1—11.
Perušić , A. (1915): Studija o temeljnim principima šumskog gospodarstva krajiških
imovnih općina, Šumarski list, Zagreb, str. 154—188.
Perušić , A. (1926): Krajiške imovne općine, Pola stoljeća šumarstva 1887—1926,
Zagreb, str. 252—267.
*** ZAKON O ŠUMAMA (pročišćeni tekst), Narodne novine br. 52, Zagreb 12. XII.
1990, str. 1076—1091.

Croatian Forests in the Light of the Application of the Proposed Law on
Denationalization and Return of Nationalized Property


3 \ tine Forest Lav. of b januar*´ 1991 the public enterprise »Croatian Forests«
nonage Croatian forests covering an area of 2,400,000 ha while 450,000 ha are private
forests managed by individual forest owners. »Croatian Forests« include stateowned
forests and socially owned forests. The latter were managed by forestry work
organizations until the introduction of the new Law. Prior to World War II thes*
forests were owned by the state, municipalities, communes, land communities,
district realty communes, church properties, share holding companies, etc. On the
basis of various legislations they were all united with regard to their general beneficial
function, as goods of general interest which must have a united management.
Today, when the formation of a single economic enterprise realises the conditions
for modern efficient management of forest resources of these forests and
individual organizations, denationalization law has been proposed, whereby the
forests and forest lands be returned to collective ownership of all inhabitants
living in a particular area. Such a legal solution is not adequate to achieve the set
aims and therefore some other solution is sought.

Key words : Croatian forests, application of the law on denationalization,
ownership, management.