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ŠUMARSKI LIST 6-9/1991 str. 125     <-- 125 -->        PDF

Hren, V., Ko v ače vic, Z., Mar tin o vic, J., Pelcer, Z (1983): Ekološko-
gospodarski tipova šuma područja Bilogore, »Radovi« br. 57.

Martinović , J., Pelcer , Z. (1975): Analiza korelacije između proizvodnosti
jele (Abies alba Mill.) i nekih svojstava tala na kršu zapadne Hrvatske. Simpozij
o problemima istraživanja šumskih zemljišta, Akademija nauka i umjetnosti
Bosne i Hercegovine, Sarajevo.

Martinović , J., Pelcer , Z. (1976): Analiza korelacije između proizvodnosti
bukve (Fagus sylvatica) i nekih svojstava tala na kršu zapadne Hrvatske, V.
kongres JDPZ Sarajevo.

Waldtypologie — der Grund fiir Forsteinrichtungsplane.

Internatiole Wissenschaftliche Konferenz, Zwolen, 1972.

Eingliederung SR Croatiens in Typologische Einheiten. IUFRO Simpozij iz uređivanja
šuma, Beograd, 1975.

Rezultati istraživanja ekološko^gospodarskih tipova šuma u SR Hrvatskoj, »Radovi
« br. 2 — Izvanredno izdanje, 1984.

Typological investigations Historic Survey, Present Situation and Development


In this important phase of investigations of forest types and forest habitats,
when 30 years of investigations of one cycle has been completed, which included
definition of types, and when second cycle tasks are defined — analyses of types, it
is perhaps necessary to discuss in more detail typological investigations. With the
presentation of completed works, results and future tasks we present arguments on
the significance and need for typological investigations.