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ŠUMARSKI LIST 6-9/1991 str. 22     <-- 22 -->        PDF

Nepveu , G. 1984: Determinisme genotypique de la structure anatomiquc du
bois chez Quercus robur, Silvae Genetica 33: 91—95.
Mayer , B. 1989: Pedološka karta područja nizinskih šuma Pokupskog bazena
(kompilacija) 1:50.000. Šumarski institut, Jastrebarsko (disertacija).
Oppermann , A. 1932: Egens Traeformer og racer. Det fontl. Foresogsui Denmark
12, 1—400.
P h a t n i z k y, S. S. 1960: Evolving new forms of oak by hibridization. 5th World
For. Congr. Vol. II, p. 92.
Prpić , B. 1987: Ekološka i šumsko-uzgojna problematika šuma hrasta lužnjaka
u Jugoslaviji. Šum. list 1—2, 41—52.
Steel , R. G. D., Torrie , J. H. 1960: Principles and Procedures of Statistics.
Me Grow-Hill Boock Comp., New York.
Sutilov , V. A. 1988: Introgressive hybridization and variability of Kaukasian
oak species. Bot. Jurn. 53: 243—283.
Š k o r i ć, A. i suradnici 1977: Tla Slavonije i Baranje. Projektni Savjet Pedološke
karte SR Hrvatske. Izdavački Zavod JAZU, Zagreb.
Vidaković, M., Krstinić, A. 1985: Genetika i oplemenjivanje šumskog
drveća. Šumarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 505 p.
First Results of Common (Quercus robur L.) Provenance Experiment in Croatia


The first experiment of 16 different provenances of Quercus robur L. from
Croatia was established in the nursery of Forest Research Institute in Jastrebarsko
ins Spring of 1986. Field experiment in four randomized blocks on two localities
was laid out 1988. After 3 years of age (1988) the seedlings of »SPAČVA« provenance
were the highest in average (39,48 cm at »Gajno« — locality and 37,12 cm — »Sla-
vir« — locality). The smallest were the seedlings of provenance »GUŠEVAC«
(31,15 cm at »Gajno« — locality) and provenance »Zdenački Gaj« (26,65 cm at »Sla-
vir« locality). The survival varied from 86,00% (»LIPOVLJANI« »Gajno«) to 99,75"0
(LIPO VLJ ANI — »Slavir« — locality).

Key words : Provenances, Quercus robur L.