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ŠUMARSKI LIST 6-9/1991 str. 32     <-- 32 -->        PDF


Becker , W. A. (1984): Manual of Quantitative Genetics. Academic Enterprises,
Pullman, 188 pp, Washington.
Gračan , J. (1972): Varijabilnost i nasljednost nekih svojstava evropskog ariša
populacije Varaždinbreg. Magistarski rad, 121 pp., Zagreb.

Hattemer , H. H. (1963): Estimates of Heritability Published in Forest Tree
Breeding Research, World Consul, on For. Gen. and Tree Improv., 2a/3, 14 pp,

Komlenović, N. i A. Krstinić (1987): Međupopulacijska i unutarpopulacijska
varijabilnost nekih provenijencija crne johe (Alnus glutinosa (L.)
Gaertn.) u produkciji i akumulaciji hraniva. Šum. list 10—12, 577—587, Zagreb.

Krstinić , A. (1968): Varijabilnost i nasljednost visina i broja grana kod bijele
vrbe (Salix alba L.) populacija Bakovci i Lipovljani. Šum. list 1/2, 27—49,

Krstinić, A. i N. Komlenović (1986): The Effect of Black Alder (Alnus
glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.) on the Growth of White Willow (Salix alba L.) Clones,
Proc. 18th IUFRO World Congress, Division 2, Vol. II: 436—445, Ljubljana.

Mayer, B., N. Komlenović i P. Rastovski (1985): Pedološka i biljnohranidbena
istraživanja rasadnika »Lisičine«, Š. G. Podravska Slatina. Šum.
institut, 14 pp, Jastrebarsko.

Mebrahtu, T. i J. W. Hanover (1989): Heritability and expected Gain Estimates
for Traits of Black Locust in Michigen, Silvae Genctica 38, 125—131,

M o r g e n s t e r n, E. K., M. J. Hoist, A. H. T e i c h i C. W. Y e a t m a n (1975):
Plus — Tree Selection: Review and Outlook. Can. For. Service, Publication No.
1347, 72 pp, Ottawa.

Namkoong, G., H. C. Kang i J. S. Brouard (1988): Tree Breeding: Principles
and Strategies. Springer — Verlag, 180 pp, New York.
Nan son, A. (1968): Perspectives d´amelioration en premiere generation par selection
des provenances. Silvae Genetica 17, 130—132, Frankfurt.
Vidaković , M. (1960): Sjemenske plantaže šumskog drveća. Jug. savet. centar
za polj. i šum., 82 pp, Beograd.
Vidaković , M. (1961): Podizanje sjemenskih plantaža šumskog drveća. Topola
19, 7—9, Beograd.
Vidaković, M. i A. Krstinić (1984): Sjemenske plantaže listača u SR
Hrvatskoj. Šum. pregled 1—2/3—4, 41—63, Skopje.
Vidaković, M. i A. Krstinić (1985): Genetika i oplemenjivanje šumskog
drveća. Liber, 505 pp, Zagreb.
Wright , J. W. (1976): Introduction to Forest Genetics. Academic Press, 463 pp,
New York.
Zobel , B. i J. Talber t (1984): Applied Forest Tree Improvement. John Wiley
& Sons, 505 pp, New York.

Possibilities of Genetic Gain for Vigorous Growth of Black Alder (Alnus glutinosa
(L.) Gaertn.) by Clonal Seed Orchards


In subpopulations of Black Alder (Alnus glutinosa) in the northwest Croatia,
parent trees were selected by phenotypic selection. Upon grafting, thirty-two selected
clones were used to establish a clonal seed orchard in Đurđevac. The calculated
genetic gain from phenotypic selection for average height increment was 6,3%.
The realized genetic gain for the same trait as calculated on the base of the
raised half-sib progenies on different sites was 62,2% for the experimental plot
of Lisičine and 55,1% for Crni jarci. The expected genetic extra gain, as calculated