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ŠUMARSKI LIST 10-12/1991 str. 11     <-- 11 -->        PDF

prednjih podataka može zaključiti, da je njih preko jedna trećina potpuno
ili velikim dijelom van pogona. Posebno je značajno da su to poduzeća na
području gdje se prerađuje uglavnom najvrednija naša pa i europski sirovina,
a to je slavonska hrastovina a dijelom i bukovina te jelovina.

Želimo ovom prilikom sa žaljenjem konstatirati da uredništvo časopisa
»Drvna industrija«, u kojem su svoje radove objavljivali i autori iz drugih
republika bivše Jugoslavije, nije do danas primilo niti jedno pismo ili drugi

oblik izražavanja kolegijalnog razumijevanja za razaranja koje je doživljavala,
i još dalje doživljava, drvna industrija Hrvatske!
Prof. dr. Marijan Brežnjak

Šumarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu odaslao je apel na engleskom
jeziku gdje se traži zaustavljanje vojne agresije na Hrvatsku u kojoj uz
ljudske živote stradavaju i šume uz ostale prirodne vrijednosti. Apel je
upućen na preko 1000 adresa u svijetu, i to svim članovima Savjeta i časnicima
IUFRO-a, svim šumarskim fakultetima te znanstvenicima i profesorima
s kojima surađuju nastavnici Šumarskog fakulteta u Zagrebu. Evo sadržaja
ovoga apela:


The communist fédéral army of the former Yugoslavia supported by Serbian
terrorists and plunderers, is attacking Croatia in a war which is destroying people,
plant and animal life, cities and villages, the natural and cultural héritage
and industry in this Republic. The forests of the country are immensely threatencd.
They are being eut without any control. They are also being destroyed by
ccuntless explosions, napalm and phosphorus bombs which cause forest fires.
The Pedunculate oak virgin forest Prašnik near Okučani has been severely damaged.
Another virgin forest, Čorkova Uvala in the Plitvice Lakes National Park
is being ruthesly eut. The forests of Baranja and the Kopački Rit zoological reserve
in the River Drava delta are being destroyed daily. Likewise, the Nature
Reserve of Lonjsko Polje and the forest of the Paklenica, Krka and Mljet National
parks are being deeimated by overcutting and fires.

The marauding army is deliberately setting forest firs. Before really beginning
the attack against the city of Dubrovnik, the fédéral army first set fire to
all the forests of the surrounding area, including the irreplaceable live centuries
old Trsteno Arboretum.

Mcre than twenty wood-processing plants have been destroyed, the damage
of which has been estimated to be about thirty milion US dollars.

The Aggressors have already destroyed the Sisak Rafinery causing an ecological
disaster by the oil spills in the River Sava which flows through large areas
of flatlands forests.

Side by side with the Croatians, most Serbs, Montenegrians, Hungarians and
Czechs and other nations whose homeland is Croatia arc fighting for the freedom
of Croatia.

Besides the thousands of people killed in this, the dirtiest of wars, there are
countless animais, sad examples of a slow death in the forests.