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ŠUMARSKI LIST 10-12/1991 str. 29     <-- 29 -->        PDF

Holub , .T., 1981: Poznâmkv k slovenskim zâstupcurn fâdu Cornalcs I. Zpr.
Cs. Bot Společ,, Praha, 16, 81—111.
Jovanović, B., 1973: Cornaceae Link. In M. Josifović (ed.) Flora SR Srbije 5,
M e u s e 1, H., Jäger, E., Raus che rt, S., Weine rt, E., 1978: Vergleichende
Chorologie der Zentraleurpäischen Flora 2. Jena.
Palmarev, E., 1979: Cornaceae Dum. In D Jordanov (ed.) Fl. Nar. Rep. Blgaria
7, 486—490.
Rauš , Đ., 1990: Sukcesija šumske vegetacije u bazenu Spačva u razdoblju 1970—
1989. god. Šum. list li4 (9—10), 341—356.´
Trinajstić , I., Pavletić , Zi., 1989: Flora Ornitološkog rezervata Krapje đol
u Hrvatskoj. Biosistematika, Vol. 14 (1), 1—10.
Trinajstić, I., 1990: Cornus hungarica Karpati u dendroflori Hrvatske, Šum.
list 114 (3—5), 127—131.

Spreading of the Species Cornus hungarica Karpati in Croatia

S u m m a r y

In tins vvork spread of the species Cornus hungarica in Croatia such as
known until now is shown. Knowledge of the area of this species has been considerably
extended, since so far only one habitat was known in Croatia. On the
attached map (fig. 2) ail new habitats are shown, namely: Viljevo, Đurđenovac,
Čepin, Kutina, Punitovci, Jovanovac, Vlatkovac, Mandičevac, Graberje, Trnava,
Vrpolje, Slavonski Brod and Garčin, as well as one habitat known from before
Krapje đol near Jasenovac. The expansion of the species Cornus hungarica in the
northeast Croatia can be connected with the ornithohory, the effected autumnal
migration of birds from the Central Europe toward the south, as well as with
a change in the ecological conditions of that région.