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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/1992 str. 12     <-- 12 -->        PDF

guće je proizvesti hibride Fj generacije, koji se odlikuju vrlo izraženom bujnošću
rasta, a u pojedinim slučajevima i pojavom monoecije.

2. Povratnim križanjem uzgojenih hibrida sa autohtonom bijelom vrbom
te proizvodnjom F. generacije, moguće je na bazi rekombinacija uzgojiti plus
varijante — klonove, koji će se odlikovati boljom prilagodbom na naše stojbinske
uvjete te bujnijim rastom u odnosu na hibride F, generacije.
3. Pojava monoecije, u različitih hibrida prve generacije heterozigotnih
roditelja, omogućuje proizvodnju biljaka putem samooplodnje, a što osigurava
proizvodnju hibrida križanjem samooplodnih linija, koje su genetički
divergentne. Na ovaj način je moguće u hibrida polučiti maksimalnu heterozigotnost
odnosno vrlo izraženu bujnost rasta, a što je dokazano kod oplemenjivanja
pojedinih vrsta poljoprivrednog bilja npr. kukuruza.
4. Pojava monoecije i hermafroditizma u hibrida S. matsudana Koidz.
x S. alba L. još je jedan afirmativni dokaz hipotezi, da ekspresija spolnosti
kod različitih organizama nije uvjetovana samo spolnim kromosomima već
i autosomima te okolišem.
5. Pojava monoecije i hermafroditizma kod stablastih vrba predstavlja
atavističku pojavu, budući su preci sadašnjih vrsta vrba bili monoecični.
Monoecism and Hermaphroditism in Hybrids

Salix matsudana Koidz. x Salix alba L.


By inter-species hybridization of different forms and clones of the Chinese
willow (Salix matsudana Koidz.) with the autochthonous white willow (S. alba L.),
it is possible to produce the F, generation hybrids which are characterized by
abundant growth. Individual hybrids are monoecious with hermaphroditic flowers.
It is founded different types of sexuality in the composition of flowers by the
hybrid of S. matsudana x S. alba (Fig, 2): normally developed male flower (a),
male flower with dwarfed stamens (b), male flower with ± developed stamens;
one stamen with the stigma like appendage (c), hermaphroditic flower with one
stamen and one pistil (ovarium) (d), partly dwarfed hermaphroditic flower, stamen
with the stigma-like appendage (e), female flower with two pistiles (f), normally
developed female flower (g). Cultivated hybrids can be used for the reproduction
of new hybrids from back cross-breeding with the white willow (S. alba L.) and
for the production of F2 hybrids in which it is possibgle to get the effects of transgressive
variation. Using plants from self-fertilization, it is likewise possible to
produce an off-spring of highest heterozygosis, i. e. of remarably abundant growth.
By cloning the plus variants from the individual hybrid combinations, it is possible
to fix the positive effects of cross-breeding.

The phenomenon! of monoecism in willow trees is another proof that the
expression of sexuality does not depend solely on the sex chromosomes but also
on the autosomes and the environment,

Monoecism in willow trees is an atavistic phenomenon!.


J o v a n o v i ć, B. & A. Tucović , 1962: Redak slučaj jednodomnosti (monoecije)

kod domaće crne topole (Populus nigra L.). Topoia 28:46—50, Beograd.
.lova nov i ć, B. & A. Tucović , 1964: Prva inbriding generacija (Populus uigra

L.) u okolici Kosovske Mitrovice. Topola 42 43:13—20, Beograd.