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ŠUMARSKI LIST 6-8/1993 str. 62     <-- 62 -->        PDF

Križanec , R., 1986: Nastavno-pokusni šumski objekti (NPŠO) Zalesina. Glasnik
za šumske pokuse. Posebno izdanje 2: 291—296, Zagreb.
Križanec , R., 1989: Osnova gospodarenja za NPŠO gospodarsku jedinicu Belevine
(1990.—1999.). Šumarski fakultet Zagreb, 243 pp.

Križanec , R., 1989: Distribucija i projekcija krošanja u korelaciji s prsnim promjerom
stabala u jelovim šumama. Šumarski fakultet Zagreb. Disertacija.
414—417 pp.

M a t i ć, V., 1952: Doznaka u prebornim šumama. Narodni šumar. Sarajevo, 51 pp.
P o g a č n i k, F., 1947: O kontrolirani prebiralni sečnji. Gozdarski vestnik VJ:

173—176, Ljubljana.
Š a f a r, J., 1948: Doznaka stabala u prebornim šumama. Šumarstvo I (3): 47—52.
Žufa, L., 1954: Kartoteka sastojina. Šumarstvo VII (5): 301—302.
Weber , E., 1967: Grundriss der Biologischen Statistik. 6. Auflage, Stuttgart.

Manuali doznake u NPŠO gospodarskoj jedinici Belevine 1959.—1989.
»Kontrolna knjiga« za NPŠO gosp. jed. Belevine (1947.—1991.).
Pravilnik o načinu izrade šumsko gospodarskih osnova područja, osnova go

spodarenja gospodarskim jedinicama i programa za gospodarenje šumama. Narodne
novine br. 42/1985., Zagreb.
Pravilnik o dopuni Pravilnika o doznaci stabala, žigosanju drvnih sortimenata,
popratnici i šumskom redu. Narodne novine br. 36/1989. Zagreb.

Uputstva za doznaku stabala i određivanje prihoda u prebornim šumama. Beograd
Zakon o šumama. Narodne novine br. 52 1990. i na osnovu ovog Zakona donesene

izmjene i dopune PRAVILNIKA od 1985. god. Narodne novine br. 6/1991. Zagreb.

Distribution of Volume of Wood in Selection Tree Marking
(Registration by felling years)


Trees marked and felled volumes of wood are expressed by registered fellings
or »Control Books« in accordance with the legislations and professional advice
given on the total annual numerical amounts.

For an adequate estimate of the success of free marking and fellings carried
out numerical data of registrations do not offer sufficient elements for correct
analysis of all phenomena in the course of »management to date«.

This, among other things, prompted us to study the forms of distributions in
view of diameter class of trees marked and felled volumes of wood, and apart
from numerical analysis graphic analysis was carried out, which in the analysis
of the structure for marking by tree numbers, justified the application.

Graphic analyses confirmed that regardless of the distribution form of marking
by tree numbers (unimodal, bimodal, or hyperbolic), the tree marked and
felled volumes of wood — divided by type of income or altogether — are distributed
according to regularity of the normal distribution (Gauss distribution).

Identified regularity can be successfully applied as a basis for simulation of
theoretical models of tree marking.

Key words : selection stand, registration of fellings.