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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/1993 str. 30     <-- 30 -->        PDF

Speyer , A. & A. Speye r (1862): Die geographische Verbreitung der Schmetterlinge
Deutschland und der Schweiz. Leipzig.

S t a u d e r, H. (1925): Die Schmetterlingsfauna der illyroadriatischen Festland-
und Inselzone (Faunula-Illyro-Adriatica). Zeitschr. f. wiss. Insektenbiol., XX,
191—226, Berlin.

Stauder , H. (1926): Die Schmetterlingsfauna der illyroadriatischen Festlandund
Inselzone (Faunula Illvro-Adriatica). Zeitschr. f. wiss. Insektenbiol., XXI,
179—190, 223—238, Berlin.

Stauder , H. (1927): Die Schmetterlingsfauna der illyro-adriatischen Festlandund
Inselzone. (Faunula Illyro-Adriatica). Zeitschr. f. wiss. Insektenbiol., XXII,
30—45, 74—92, Berlin.

Thurner , J. (1964): Die Lepidopterenfauna jugoslavisch Mazedoniens I. Prirodonaučen
muzej, pp. 158, Skopje.

Faunal Ecological and Zoogeographical Characteristics of Noctuids (Noctuidae
Lepidoptera of Gorski kotar) (Republic of Croatia)


The review of Noctuid fauna of Gorski kotar is presented in this paper. 181
species of noctuids were recorded for this area with reviewing literature and
entomological collections of the Croatian Natural History Museum. Zoogeographical
dependence, locations where they were found, higrophylic, migratory and noxious
characteristic were pointed for all species (Tab. 1). Mormo maura L. and Amphipyrairagopoginis CI. were recorded in Gorski kotar area for the first time. Noctuids
Agrochota laevis Hbn. and Euciitia triquetra Schiff, were caught from the territory
of Croatia only in the Gorski kotar region. Species Hadena filigrama Esp., Acantiioleucania
loreyl Dup., and Eutelia adulatrix Hbn. were the only finds for the
continental part of Croatia.

According to the number of registraled noctuids species for Slavonija, Hrvatsko
zagorje, Zagreb, Turopolje and Lika (Tab.. 2) we concluded that 65—75% of
potential species were registrated for the area of Gorski kotar.

18 species showed higrophylic possibilities, 7 species higrophylic characteristic,
23 species migratory characteristic and 31 species noxious characteristic.

The zoogeographical analysis showed that Eurasian species are dominate
(62,4%), because the position of Gorski kotar. Relatively high percent (22,1%) of
Mediterranean-Asian species is consequence of the Mediterranean influence on this
area and the migration of some faunistical elements.