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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/1993 str. 79     <-- 79 -->        PDF

rizika. U tome hidrometeorološka služba pridonosi postizanju osnovnog cilja
— raspoložive snage i opremu koristiti za što djelotvorniju i ekonomič

niju zaštitu šuma od požara.


Bertović, S., D i m i t r o v, T., J u r č e c, V. i drugi: Osnove zaštite šuma od
požara, CiP, Zagreb, 1987.
Di mit rov, T., Jurčec, V.: Šumski požari i vremenske prilike na Jadranu u
1989. i 1990. godini, šumarski list, br. 10—12, Zagreb, 1991.
Joh n E. D.: Fire — Danger Rating: The neät 20 Years, Paper presented at the
Symposium on Wildland Fire 2000, April 27—30, 1987, South Lake Tahoe, CA.

K i r i g i n, B., Šinik, N., Bertović, S.: Klimatski podaci SR Hrvatske,
»Razdoblje 1948 do 1960«, smrada za klimu Hrvatske II, br. 5, izdavač RHMZ,
Zagreb, 1971.

La vvs on, B. D.: Fire Weather Index, Canadicn Forestry Service, BC-P-17, Victoria,
BC, 1977.

Va n Wagner , C. E.: Forest Fire Research — Hinsight and Foresight, Presented
at the Svmposium on Wiidland Fire 2000, April 27—30, 1987, South Lake Tahoe,

Šego ta, T.: Klima, Geografija SR Hrvatske 6, str. 20—27, Školska knjiga, Zagreb,
Bertović , S., Lovrić , A. Ž.: Vegetacija, Šumarska enciklopedija II izdanje,
II svezak JLZ, str. 313—317, Zagreb, 1983.
* * * Bilten o požarima, MUP Republike Hrvatske, Zagreb, 1992.
´´´ * * Informacija o stanju i problematici u području zaštite od požara i tehničkih
eksplozija za 1992. godinu, Vlada Republike Hrvatske, Zagreb, 1993.

The place and role of the Hydrometeorological service in organizing forest fire
protection in the Republic of Croatia before and during the war


Deu to the mediterranean climate and its vegetation the coastal part of the
Republic of Croatia is by forest fire frequency and by burned area the most
endangered area in relation to its continental part.

Meteorological and Hydrological Service of the Republic of Croatia in preventive
forest protection is using Canadian System for forest fire danger rating
(CFFDRS), depending only on meteorological measurements and based in dead
fuel in pine stands.

The state of forest protection against fire during two war years compared
to peace period deteriorated. Caused by war operations the total physical income
of meteorological data is substantially diminished.

The most efficient tool for forest fire suppression in karst, fire fighting air-
crafts CANADAIR CL-215 are taken away by the aggressor, i. e. so called »YPA«,
also a great deal of fire fighting equipment was taken away or destroyed.

The causes of forest fires changed their structure compared to the prewar
yaers and the information on fire frequency and burned area contains no data
from temporary occupied areas of the Republic of Croatia.