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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/1994 str. 18     <-- 18 -->        PDF

SUMMARY: Some tige ago the ass. Anemone-Carpinetum betuli was
discovered on the flysh of the island of Krk around Dobrinj (Trinajstić
1964) Recently the said associatian has been discovered also in close vicinity
of Pazin in Istria (cf. Comps and co. 1991) and during 19 in several places
on the northern flysh slopes around the villages of Cerovje, Jurišići and
Dausi, too. And while on the island of Krk due to a high anthropogenic
degradation, it was impossible to study the genesis of this association in Istria
its appearance proved to be the result of the beech forests (ass. Catici pilosae-
Fagetum, Seslerio autumnalis-Fagetum) degradation. This may be clearly seen
from its total floristic composition.