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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/1994 str. 48     <-- 48 -->        PDF

SUMMARY: Flammability and combustibility measurements for Mediterranean
vegetation were made at the experimental area Dom near Bormes les
Mimosas, southeastern France. Laboratory tests were produced with an electric
radiator (epiradiateur) to achieve certain parameters for living fuels from
grassy, shrubby and treelike kinds. Based on these parameters a classification
was made related to the flammability lag and it was presented to forest service
for intervening in preserving and protecting forests against fires.

Simultaneously, by analogy to the North American methods in calculating
Forest Fire Danger Index, drying and wetting the dead forest fuel was measured
at two locations: in open land and under Mediterranean shrubbery. These
changes were observed in relation to the changes of meteorological elements
to improve the mentioned methods.

Key words: flammability, combustibility, electric radiator, mediterranean
vegetation, fire-risk.