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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/1994 str. 21     <-- 21 -->        PDF

F. Mrva: ZNAČAJ KLONSKIH ARHIVA U OČUVANJU GENOFONDA.. Šumarski list br. 7-8, CXVIII (1994). 203-220
of desirable forest populations. Internacionalni simpoRadovi
Šumarskog instituta, Vol. 25, br. 2, 277-284,
zij I.U.F.R.O. Zagreb 1965. Šumarski list 1/2, 88-95, Zagreb.

Prpić, B., (1989): Propadanje šuma u SR Hrvatskoj i JugoLiddicoet,
A. R., Righter, F. I., (1960): Trees of the slaviji, Šumarski list, br. 6—8, 233—242, Zagreb.
Eddy Arboretum. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest

Soegard, B., (1979): The Arboretum in Hohrsholm. The

service, Miscellaneous paper, 43, 1—41.

Royal veterinary and agricultural university, 1—24.
Jeglič, C, (1956): Arboretum Volčji potok, Kmečka knjiga

To da, R., (1966): Preservation of gene pool in forest tree

Ljubljana, 1-195.

populations. Internacionalni simpozij I.U.F.R.O. Zagreb
1965, Šumarski list 1/2, 72-75, Zagreb.

Mrva, F., (1986): I.U.F.R.O. konferencija, zajednički sastanak
radnih grupa za teoriju oplemenjivanja, testiranje Vidaković, M., Žufa, L., (1966): Preservation of gene
potomstava i sjemenske plantaže u SAD (Williampool
in natural stands for genetical research. Internasburg
— VA) — stručni izvještaj. Dokumentacija Šum. cionalni I.U.F.R.O. simpozij, Zagreb 1965. Šumarski
instituta, Jastrebarsko, 20—21. list 1/2, 55-71, Zagreb.

Mrva, F., (1990): Teškoće u selekciji plus stabala smreke Vidaković, M. i sur. (1986): Arboretum Lisičine. Roš.
u populacijama oštećenim od zračnog zagađivanja. Slavonska šuma, Vinkovci, str. 1—87.

SUMMARY: Gene pool of forest tree species can be preserved in natural
and artificial populations such as nature reserves, seed stands, seed generative
plantations and in special purpose plantations (arboreta, clonal archives, seed
orchards, provenance trials, progeny tests and clonal tests). Clonal archives
as breeding populations have an important role in the preservation of the
best part of gene pool of selected forest populations of indigenous and non-indigenous
tree species.

Living archive in Jastrebarsko, as mainly a clonal archive was founded
on an area of (7.435 ha) on land owned by Forest Research Institute, total
area 23 ha. The majority of clonal collections was introduced into the archive
an a 1971—1975 period. Two smaller seed orchards are within the archive;
one composed of Omorika spruce, the other one of Colorado spruce founded
in 1983—1984 period. Living archive contains clonal collections of 8 conifer
species and one broad-leaved species in the following species structure:

Pinus strobus: 40 clones — 200 grafts
Pinus sylvestris: 34 clones — 143 grafts
Pinus nigra: 63 clones — 228 grafts
Larix decidua: 59 clones — 279 grafts
Larix leptolepis: 12 clones — 275 grafts
Picea abies: 13 clones — 63 grafts
Picea omorika: 19 clones — 287 grafts
Picea pungens: 25 clones — 297 grafts
Juglans regia: 22 clones — 75 grafts

There are 23 progenies with 399 genotypes in the generative collection

Juglans regia.

In the additional dislocated part of the archive which was founded much
earlier (1962), a collection of 13 clones of Sudeten larch with 23 grafts and
4 clones of Japanese larch with 6 grafts is situated. In living archive and in
the additional part of the archive there is a total of 301 clone with 1976 grafts.

Clonal collections in the archive represent an important basis for the
intensification of the seed orchards establishment because they can be useful
as a source for high quality scions in clonal reproduction.

Clones of all species in the archive show good fructification and could be
used for the obtaining of selected seed the variability of clonal collections is
higher than in seed orchards. One research carried out in the clonal archive
of European larch showed that the average germinability of clonal seed samples
from 1989 crop was 45% higher, and the growth of seedlings was very good.

Living archive offers the possibility of complementing clonal collections
for more than 100%.