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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/1994 str. 22     <-- 22 -->        PDF

J. Karavla: DENDROLOŠKA I SUMSKO-UZGOJNA VAŽNOST STARIH PARKOVA... Šumarski list br. 7-8, CXVIII (1994), 221-233
This work was written in the form of scientific monography including a
short hystory, pedological characteristics, general and local climate conditions,
ecological microdistribution of species, localities of plus trees with their number,
clonal lay-out for each species and color photographs (10). Importance
of living archive in a gene pool preservation and possibility of selected seed
production was discussed from the aspect of genetic diversity in relation to
the other natural and artificial resources.

Key words: gene pool, clonal archive, conifers, Persian walnut, seed
orchards, selected seed.