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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/1994 str. 28     <-- 28 -->        PDF

D. Rauš: PRIMJENA FITOCENOLOGIJE U ŠUMARSKOJ PRAKSI Šumarski list br. 9-10, CXVIII (1994), 289-294
Horvat, I. (1959): Potreba i značenje pregledne vegetacij-Rauš, D. (1974): Karta šumskih zajednica gospodarske jeske
karte Jugoslavije, Biološki glasnik 12, Zagreb. dinice »Josip Kozarac« kod Lipovljana. GZH, Zagreb.

Rauš, D. (1972): Karta šumskih zajednica Spačvanskog baRauš,
D. (1975): Fitocenološka karta gospodarskih jedinica
zena i okolice Vinkovaca, Grafički zavod Hrvatske, Kupjački vrh i Belevine u fakultetskoj šumi Zalesina.
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Rauš, D. (1985): Primjena šumarskih znanosti u šumarstvu
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SUMMARY: The author discusses the possibilities of applying PHYTOCOENOLOGY
in silvicultural practice. Quoted are several basic examples
of actual application of phytocoenology and the support it may offer in forest

Key words: phytocoenology, phytocoenological units, soil, forest management,

Besides a number of facts, conclusions and generally accepted rules phytocoenology
in silviculture should form a forester´s particular way of thinking
which may be stated as both ecological and biological. As to their spiritial
constellation, all foresters should be ecologists and biologists. For the future
it may be among the most important tasks of phytocoenology in forestry.