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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/1994 str. 29     <-- 29 -->        PDF


Na temelju mjerenja vrijednosti mikroklimatskih sima izmjerenim u šumi i izmjerenih na klimatskoj
elemenata i fitomase nadzemnih dijelova biljaka u pripostaji
u gradu Samoboru. 2. u kitnjakovoj šumi je
zemnom sloju šume, u šumi kitnjaka s crnim grabom brojnost biljaka i njihova masa višestruko veća od
i bukve s crnim grabom, u predjelu »Tepec« u Samobrojnosti
i mase u bukovoj šumi. Odnos između svježe
borskom gorju, zaključuje se: 1. Mikroklima u šumi mase i osušene na zraku i na 105°C je bitno različit.
kitnjaka i u šumi bukve bitno je različita i prema Rezultati mjerenja imaju primjenu u istraživanju
vrijednostima i prema dinamici promjena vrijednosti klime i njenog utjecaja na šumsku vegetaciju, te biljne
mikroklimatskih elemenata. Bitna je razlika i u iznomase
u pojedinim šumskim zajednicama.


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»Radovi« Vol. 27. Br. 1, 90, Šumarski institut, JastreRauš
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SUMMARY: Microclimatic and floral research was carried out in the
mountain range of Samoborsko Gorje, the area called »Tepec«, in a forest
of the sessile-flowered oak with black hornbeam (Querco-Ostryetum carpinifoliae
Ht. 1938), and in a forest of beech with black hornbeam (Ostryo-Fagetum
sylvaticae Wraber 1968).

The measurements have shown, that, compared to the morning temperatures
in the city of Samobor, those in the sessileflowered forest were by 2.6°C
higher, and in the beech forest by 0.9°C. The midday temperatures were
lower by 1.3°C and 2.8°C resp., and the evening values were also lower by
0.9°C and 0.TC respectively. Other values of the microclimate were also
considerably different, both according to the figures and the dynamics of their

Besides the standard measurements of the microclimatic values, the temperature
of the forest tree trunks was also measured. For now it is not quite
certain what the obtained data mean, though the ones from other research
objects indicate, that the trunk temperature of vital trees rather depends on
the soil temperature, while the temperature of the air has a stronger impact
upon the less vital trees. If this discovery is confirmed with a greater number