prilagođeno pretraživanje po punom tekstu

ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1995 str. 14     <-- 14 -->        PDF

veći volumni prirast (iv = 6,46 m3) Tab. 5. veće konkurencije vrsta srednja visina srednjeg
Srednja visina srednjeg prsnog promjera veća je u prsnog promjera za obje vrste manja u odjelu 16.
odjelu 12 nego u odjelu 16. 10. Pinija u odjelu 16 postiže bolje dimenzije srednjeg
Za pretpostaviti je da je zbog različitog omjera
smjese alepskog bora i pinije u odjelu 12 i 16 i
prsnog promjera (d = 30,20 cm) i veći volumni
prirast (iv = 4,43 m3) nego u odjelu 12 (Tab. 5.).


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SUMMARY: These studies were carried out in the area of the Forest
Office of »Zadar« within the management unit »Musapstan«. The study started
in 1976 when experimental plots were established in compartments 11 and

12. The experimental plots were 100 x 100 m in size, namely 1 hectare. In
all plots diameter breast height was measured for each tree above 9 cm cross
section by means of AEDENBRUCK -BOHMEREEOVE construction
rounded gauge. The height of every tree was measured by BLUME — LE1SS
hypsometre. On the basis of measurd d b h the structural elements of the
stand (N, G, V) were determined and the distribution of d b hs by 2 cm.
together with stand height curves, were graphically presented. See Tables 1,
2, 3, 4 and graphs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. The first measurings were
carried out in 1976 and the second in 1991. Thus, the plantation trees were
measured in the fourtieth and fiftieth year. The plantations were raised on a
characteristically Karst terrain. The soil was terra rosa, luvic, colluvial, clayey
(Škorić, 1979). Rockiness of the terrain ranges from 40 to 90%.
Phytocoenologically these studies are concerned with the plant association
of Pubescent Oak and Oriental Hornbeam. Ecologically this area belongs to
the warm zone of the Pubescent Oak and Oriental Hornbeam forests (Queco

— Carpinetum orientalis H-ić 1939, Rauš 1987). With regard to climate this
area has a Mediterranean climate. With regard to the Karst factor by M.
Gračanin the climate changes monthly. Thus, the months of January, Februa12