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ŠUMARSKI LIST 4/1995 str. 24     <-- 24 -->        PDF

F. Mrva, Z. Perić: KLIJAVOST I SADRŽAJ VLAGE KLONSKIH UZORAKA . . . Šumarski list br. 4, CXIX (1995), 133—138
vanih češera u polyetilenskim vrećicama. Dovoljan je u hladnjaku u papirnatim vrećicama spravljanim u pol-
početno mali broj štetnika koji se mogu obilno razmno-yetilensku foliju, a da se klijavost ne smanjuje .To se
žiti zbog velikih promjena temperatura u hladnjači radi podudara s istraživanjima Alen a (1957), koji je ispiljetnog
isključivanja aparture hlađenja. Rezultati ovih tujući klijavost 11 vrsta četinjača iznad točke zamrzaistraživanja
pokazuju da se sjeme ariša može za dobu vanja utvrdio da nije bilo razlika u odnosu na klijavost
od 2—3 godine vrlo uspješno čuvati i u drvenoj vitrini i ispod točke zamrzavanja.

ZAKLJUČAK — Conclusion

1. Sjeme europskog ariša od 22 klona čuvano 28 mje2.
Sadržaj vlage u sjemenu u vrijednostima 10,8%,
seci iznad točke zamrzavanja u 3 različite okoline; drve12,4%
i 12% za 23 okoline nešto viši od optimalnog,
noj vitrini na sobnoj temperaturi (15—22°C), kućnom nije utjecao na rezultate klijavosti.
hladnjaku (3—8°C) i u hladnjači (2— 18°C) zadržalo je
3. Klijavost sjemena čuvanog 28 mjeseci u drvenoj
visoku klijavost u prve dvije okoline (52,2 i 44,3%),

vitrini i kućnom hladnjaku u usporedbi sa svježim sje

dok je u hladnjači zbog pojave štetnih insekata zabilje

menom nije bila manja.

žen drastičan pad u klijavosti na 12,3%.

LITERATURA — References

Allen, G. s., 1957: Storage behavior of conifer seeds in sealed Hartmann, H. T. Kester, D. F. i Davies, F. T., 1990: Plant
containers held at 0°F, 32F, and room temperature, JOURpropagation,
5th ed. Prentice Hall´ Internac, Inc., str. 99—
NAL OF FORESTRY 55: 278—281. (In Plant propagation 101.

— HARTMANN at al. 1990. str. 110). Mrva, F., 1994: Urod češera, klijavost sjemena i rast sadnica poBarton,
L. V., 1954: Storage and packeting of seeds of Douglas tomstava europskog ariša iz živog arhiva. Radovi br. 1, str.
fir and Western hemlock, Contrib. Boyce, Thomp. Inst., 1—14.
18:25—37. (In plant propagation — HARTMANN at al. Mrva, F., 1994: Značaj klonskih arhiva u očuvanju genofonda i
1990). oplemenjivanju šumskog drveća. Šumarski list br. 7—8, str.

Barton, L., V., 1954: Effect of subfreezing temperature on viabi203—
lity of conifers seeds in storage, Contrib. Boyce Thomp. InR
e g e n t, B., 1980: Šumsko sjemenarstvo, Jugoslavenski poljoprivst.,
18—21—24. (In Plant propagation/1990). redno-šumarski centar, Beograd — Služba šumske proizvod

nje, str. 81 i 93.

Hartmann, H. T., Kester, D. F. iDavies,F. T., 1968: Plant
propagation 2end ed. Prentice Hall´, Inc. str. 106—113. Vincent, G., 1965: Lesni semenarstvi, Praha.

SUMMARY. In this work the germination and seed moisture content was
examinated by 22 clones of European larch (Larix decidua Mill.) originated
from a well adapted culture of this species in Slovenia. The clones arefifxed in
seed orchard (12 clones), living archive (7) and in clonal reserve (3 clones).
Three groups with 11 clonal seed samples in total but different in clonal composition
were stored each other over freezing temperature at three environments;
wood room wardrobe, freezing room and refrigerator too for 28 month,
while the other two groups also with 11 clones belong to fresh seed. Germinability
was tested in Krstić germinator at 20—30°C after 21 days while the
moisture seed content was estimated from the weight difference before and
after drying of seed at 130°C. The results obtained were showed that germination
percentage removed in high degree at two storage conditions; in wood
room wardrobe with 53,7% and refrigerator, 42,7%. In the freezing room,
because of the freezing excluded, it was drastically diminished to 12,3% in
relation to initial, 44,3%. The temperature changes in summer period caused
propagation of harmful insects of which was determined Megastigmus seitneri
Hoffm., and destroyed a large amount of seed. Comparison with germination
results in two groups of fresh seed (42,0 and 39,4%) showed thet the stored
seed in two environments was not worse in relation to fresh seed. Moisture
seed content in a scale of 10,8 to 12,9% for three environments was not influenced
on germination results. Research data are tabulated and graphically

Key words: European larch, clonal samples, germinability, seed moisture,
storage conditions.