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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/1995 str. 19     <-- 19 -->        PDF

N. Komlenović, S. Orlić, P. Raslovski: USPIJEVANJE ŠEST VRSTA ČETINJAČA U PODRUČJU BUJADN1CA 1 VRIŠTINA Šumarski list br. 5—6, CXIX (1995), 169—178
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SUMMARY: The research was carried out trough a comparative experiment
on domestic an foreign coniferous species. The locality was Lokve, a
fern and heath area in the Forest district of Duga Resa, Forest Enterprise
of Karlovac. Geographically it is 45° 26´ north latitude, 15" 18´ east longitude,
196 m above sea level.

The climate of the research area is perhumid. According to Mayer, the
soil has been defined as two-layer profile with distric cambisol on relict red

The research encompassed the economically most interesting coniferous
species: Norway spruce (NS), Scots pine (SP), Austrian pine larch (EL), White pine (WP) and Douglas fir (DF).

The used seed material for thr experiment is of known origin. The experiment
started in the Spring of 1969. A three repetition randomized block
system was applied. Planting spacing was 2 x 2 m (2.500 N/ha).

The last measuring was done in the Autumn 1991, i. e. 23 years after the
beginng of the experiment. Measured were the heights and breast -height
diameters, and the survival rate of the plants was recorded.

For determining the biomass produced per area unit, the felled mean stand
tress were also selected per experiment replication. The fresh matter weight
of trunks, stumps roots and branches, both live and dry, were established on
site. The samples were dried at 105° C until constant weight was obtained,
then minced and analyzed.

A high percentage of survival was established with the Norway spruce

(96.1 %), White pine (89.8 %) and Scots pine (81.5 %); Douglas fir (54.0
%), Austrian pine (57.0 %) and the European larch (59.0 %) demonstrated
a poor capability to survive. The European larch and White pine are the
leading two species regarding the height and diameter growth.
The White pine produced the biggest, Austrian pine the smalles biomass.

The European larch dry matter contains the larges quantities of all analyzed
nutrients with the exception of calcium. The fewest nutrients were accumulated
by the Austrian pine.