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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/1995 str. 2     <-- 2 -->        PDF


Od 6. do 12. kolovoza 1995. održava se u Finskoj XX. Kongres IUFRO. Iz Hrvatske
su prijavljena 24 referata, a prijavilo ih je 39 znanstvenika sa Šumarskog fakulteta
Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i Šumarskog instituta Jastrebarsko. Veseli nas veliko sudjelovanje
mladih znanstvenika u zajedništvu s iskusnim kolegama. Moto je Kongresa

Za hrvatske šume možemo sa sigurnošću tvrditi da su izvor gospodarskoga i socijalnog
blagostanja. Šume u Hrvatskoj pokrivaju 36% površine, a njihov je sastav
pretežito prirodan. Odlikuju se ekološkom i vegetacijskom raznolikošću, tvoreći više
od 80 šumskih zajednica koje čine šume hrasta crnike uz obalu Jadranskoga mora,
bukove i bukovo-jelove šume, šume hrasta kitnjaka i gotovo najljepše nizinske šume
hrasta lužnjaka u dolinama Dunava, Save i Drave.

Utjecaj šumskoga pokrivača na okoliš je vrlo značajan, što se prvenstveno odnosi
na turističku, hidrološku, protuerozijsku i klimatsku funkciju šume. Zahvaljujući svojemu
prirodnom sastavu, hrvatske šume se odlikuju velikim bogatstvom flore i faune,
a bogati resursi kvalitetne pitke vode u uskoj su svezi sa šumama.

Našim šumama danas prijeti rat koji postupno dovodi do njihova uništavanja i
onečišćenja. Vjerujemo da će tragedija rata prestati, odnosno da će prevladati razum.
Moramo, nažalost, ustvrditi da hrvatski šumarski znanstvenici ne mogu danas pratiti
svoje pokuse na trećini okupirane šumske površine.

The XX Congress IUFRO will be held in Finland from 6th to 12th August 1995.
Twenty-four papers have been submitted by 39 scientists from the Forestry Faculty,
University of Zagreb and from the Forest Research Institute, Jastrebarsko. We are
particularly delighted to see a number of young scientists participating jointly with
experienced colleagues. The motto of the Congress is - CARE OF THE FOREST:

With regard to Croatian forests it can be safely said that they are a source of
economical and social prosperity. The forests cover 36% of the area in Croatia, and
are predominantly natural. They are characterized by ecological and vegetational
diversity, forming more than 80 forest communities, from forests of Evergreen Oak
along the Adriatic coast, Beach and Beech/Fir montane forests, to forests of Sessile
Oak in foothills and the well known beautiful lowland forests of Pedunculate Oak
in the Danube, Sava and Drava vallies.

The effect of forest cover on the environment is very important, particularly with
regard to tourism, hydrological and climatic function of the forest, and protection
against erosion. Due to their natural structure Croatian forests are abundant with
flora and fauna, and rich resources of high quality drinking water is closely connected
with the forests.

Today our forests are threatened by a war leading to their destruction and pollution.
It is our fervent hope and believe that this tragic war will end and that reason
will prevail. However, sadly we can only conclude that today forestry scientists are
still unable to monitor trials in one third of the forest areas in Croatia.

B. Prpić
Naslovna strana — Front page:

VISOVAC — Nacionalni park KRKA — Iz knjige »NACIONALNI PARKOVI HRVATSKE« — Ivo Bralić.
(Foto: Š. Štrikoman)
VISOVAC — KRKA National Park. From the book »NATIONAL PARKS OF CROATIA« by Ivo Bralić.^
(Photo: Š. Štrikoman)

Naklada 1550 primjeraka