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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/1995 str. 26     <-- 26 -->        PDF

T. Sinković: NEKA FIZIČKA SVOJSTVA JUVENILNOG I ZRELOG DRVA JELOVINE . Šumarski lisl br. 7—8. CXIX (1995), 237—244
2. Srednja vrijednost širine godova juvenilnog drva će zrelog drva jele koja iznosi 0.3878 odnosno 0.3904
jele je 2.8 odnosno 2.9 mm i signifikantno se razlikuje g/cm3.
od srednje vrijednosti širine godova zrelog drva jele ko4.
Srednja vrijednost gustoće u standardno suhom
ja iznosi 1.3 odnosno 1.4 mm.

stanju juvenilnog drva jele je 0.3891 odnosno 0.3986 g/

3. Srednja vrijednost nominalne gustoće juvenilnog cm3 i signifikantno se razlikuje od srednje vrijednosti
drva jele je 0.3465 odnosno 0.3523 g/cm3 i signifikangustoće
u standardno suhom stanju zrelog drva jele kotno
se razlikuje od srednje vrijednosti nominalne gustoja
iznosi 0.4523 odnosno 0.4560 g/cm3.

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increment to juvenile wood formation in Norway spruce. Šumarski fakultet Zagreb 11 (4):96-104.
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juvenile and adulat wood. In proceedings, 18th IUFRO World (6):91-112.

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Drvna industrija 41 (3-4)43-49.

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*** Osnove gospodarednja NPSO "Belevine" 1990-1999, Šumar

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Wood. Forest Products Journal 18 (4):75:78.

SUMMARY: Research into the distribution of properties in the radial direction
with wood makes it possible to acquire knowledge of their variability,
and to determine the characteristic zones within the trunk. As any other living
organism a tree undergoes three developmental phases: juvenile, ripeness and
old age. The determination of these three phases is possible on the basis of the
recorded changes in properties. This research is limited to the study of the
differences in the properties of the two phases; the juvenile and ripe phases of
the Fir. Some physical properties of the juvenile and ripe wood of a Fir are
determined: width of an annual ring, share of the late wood zone, density in
raw condition after felling, water content after felling, nominal density and
density in the stadnard dry condition. The materijal for research was taken

from the Compartment VI of the Belevine management unit, NPSO Zalesina,
managed by the sustainable method. On the basis of the change of the distribution
trend in the width of the annual ring, the nominal density and the density
in the standard dry condition in the radial direction, the zone ranging from
30th to 40th annual ring was observed, in which juvenile wood transgresses
into ripe wood. The juvenile zone infirwood spans over the first 30-40 annual
rings from the heart. The annual-ring width, nominal density and density in a
standard dry condition of the juvenile wood significantly differ from the same
properties of the ripe wood. The width of an annual ring in the juvenile wood is
bigger than the width of annual ring in the ripe wood. The nominal density and
density in a standard dry condition of the juvenile wood is smaller than the
same properties in the zone of the ripe wood.