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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/1995 str. 39     <-- 39 -->        PDF

V. Krcj«, B. Vrbek: RAZDIOBA OBORINA U ZAJEDNICI HRASTA LUŽNJAKA I OBIČNOGA GRABA Šumarski iisl br. 9—10. CXIX (1995). 3 17-322

Povećanjem starosti stabla, bez obzira na vrstu drvemanje
je u srednjedobnim, a podjednako u mladim i staća,
smanjuje se količina oborina po 1 m2 površine krorim
šanja koje se slijevaju niz deblo. Kod hrasta lužnjaka ta Intercepcija je najveća u srednjedobnim, a najmanja
količina je 23,9 puta veća u mladih nego li u zrelih stau
mladim sastojinama hrasta lužnjaka i običnoga graba.
bala, dok je kod običnoga graba razlika znatno manja

Vrijednost pH oborina koje su sakupili sakupljači na
(4,3 puta). Struktura sastojine po vrsti drveća bitno utječe hrastu lužnjaku i običnome grabu niže su nego na kon

na raspodjelu oborina u njoj. trolama, a vrijednost pH oborina u kišomjerima pod zaProkapavanje
oborina kroz krošnju drveća na tlo najstorom
krošanja na plohama variraju.


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uzgajana šuma-rast i prirast (primjena u multidisciplinskom proplavne
šume hrasta lužnjaka. Simpozij sto godina znanstvenog i

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institut. Jasterbarsko, Vol. 27, Br. 2. 157-166.
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Geiger, R. 1961: Das Klima derbodennahen Luftschicht, Braunschweig.

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Hren, V., Krejči, V. 1992: Obični broj krošanja nekih važnijih vrsta

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drveća 1 Irvatske. Radovi šum. institut, Jastrebarsko, Vol. 27, Br. I,

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Molčanov, A. A. 1973: Sovremenoesastojanijelesnoj gidrologii v SSSR
i za rubežom. Izd. ANSSSR, Moskva. Vrbek B. 1993: Praćenje depozicije taloženih tvari u zajednici hrasta lu

Ovington, I. D. 1 954: A comparison of Reinfall in Different Woodslan-žnjaka i običnoga graba na području uprave šuma Bjelovar. Radods."
Forestry", London. vi, Šum. institut, Jastrebarsko, Vol. 28, Br. 1-2, 129-145.

SUMMARY: The investigated forests belong to a community of Pedunculate
Oak and Common Hornbeam (Carpino betuli-Quercetum roboris subass.
typicum (Anić 1959) emend. Rauš 1969).

Forest-ecological research rely on close connection between the structure
and age of stands and the way in which pollution is introduced into them by
precipitation. In order to obtain a firm conclusion and eventual quantification
of the introducedpollutants, studies werecarried out on the area of the tree-
crowns, volumes of tree crowns and mixed proportions of tree species in stands
of Pedunculate Oak and Common Hornbeam at different ages (young, middle-
aged, mature).

In the young stands of Pedunculate Oak the flowing of precipitation down
the trunk per lml of the crown area is 23.9 times greater than in the mature
stands, while in the case of Common Oak this ratio is only 4.3 times greater.

Out of the total amount of precipitation wich falls on the stand and flows
down the trunk, 10.4% reaches the soil in young stands and 0.9% in old stands.

By dripping trough the tree crowns the least precipitation (74.7%) reaches
the soil in middle-aged stands, and apporoximately 85% reaches the soil of
the young and older (mature) stands.

In stands of Pedunculate Oak and Common Hornbeam interception is highest
in the middle-aged stands (21.9%) and is of medium intesity in the old
stands (15.6%), and least (2.3%) in the young stands.