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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/1995 str. 8     <-- 8 -->        PDF

tvom Europe. Bez obzira stoje Hrvatska bila protiv svoje
volje u sastavu Jugoslavije, te što su često puta nestručne
i za hrvatsko šumarstvo nepovoljne naredbe stizale
iz Ministarstva šuma i ruda u Beogradu, vitalnost šumarske
struke i stabilnost hrvatskih šuma su bile presudne
za trajnu kvalitetu šuma Hrvatske.

Bez obzira na to što su svi jugoslavenski i ostali režimi
bili antihrvatski i što su šume Hrvatske bile stalno
na udaru takvih režima, glede neplanskih eksplatacijskih
sječa, ipak su šume Hrvatske ostale ne samo najkvalitetnije
i najprirodnije u bivšoj Jugoslaviji nego u
cijeloj Europi. Razvijena šumarska struka i znanost te
šumarski duh koji je svojstven šumarima Hrvatske i cijelog
svijeta bio je i bit će dalje presudan kod razvoja i
opstanka naših šuma. Unatoč vjekovnim atacima profitera
različitih boja i provinijencija na šumu, kao opće
dobro bez kojeg nema kvalitetnog življenja, hrvatsko
šumarstvoje bilo u stanju odbiti sve napade takve vrste.
Dovoljan dokaz za to je i činjenica da se površine šuma
Hrvatske nisu u zadnjih 100 godina smanjile niti hektar.

Nastankom samostalne i neovisne države Hrvatske
te novim Zakonom o šumama iz 1990. šumarstvo Hrvatske
kroči novim još kvalitetnijim putem. Prije svega u
njemu dominira jedinstvo šumarske struke koje je vidljivo
na području šumarske politike, struke i znanosti.

Ministarstvo poljoprivrede i šumarstva, Javno poduzeće
"Hrvatske šume", Hrvatsko šumarsko društvo, Šumarski
fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i Šumarski institut
Jastrebarsko, okupljeni oko šuma Hrvatske i zajedničke
misli na boljitak zajedničke im Domovine, čine
snažnu grupaciju u čijem se centru nalazi šuma kao dobro
od općehrvatskog interesa.

Danas se šume i šumsko zemljište Hrvatske rasprostiru
na 43,5% površine ili na 2.457.648 ha od čega je
79% državnih a 21% su šume privatnih i ostalih vlasnika.
Drvna zaliha iznosi nepunih 300 milijuna m\ godišnje
priraste 8,8 milijuna m\ a može se sjeći zbog uzgojnih
razloga 5,5 milijuna m3.

U šumama Hrvatske imamo 16% četinjača a najznačajnije
mjesto među listačama zauzima hrast s 27%, bukva
35% te ostale tvrde i meke listače s 22%.

Šume Hrvatske su na 95% površine prirodne strukture
dok je svega 5% površine pod umjetno podignutim
šumama ili šumskim kulturama. Po toj vrlo značajnoj
osobini šume Hrvatske su na prvom mjestu u Europi.
Upravo prirodnost naših šuma osigurava diverzitet i značajne
općekorisne i gospodarske funkcije, stabilnost te
mogućnost njihovog prirodnog pomlađivanja.

Šumarska struka i znanost Hrvatske već preko dva
stoljeća radi na uzgajanju, uređivanju, zaštiti i iskori

Šumarski list br. 9—10. CXIX (1995). 287-29]

Croatian forestry continued to develop specifically
by cooperation and comparison with forestry in Europe.
Although Croatia was an unwilling part of former
Yugoslavia, and frequently unprofessional, and for Croatian
forestry unfavourable, orders were sent from the
Ministry of Forestry and Ore Mining in Belgrade, the
vitality of the forestry profession and stability of Croatian
forests were crucial for the permanent quality of
Croatian forests.

In spite of the fact that all former Yugoslav regimes
were anti-Croatian, and that Croatian forests were exposed
to the negative impact of such regimes, in view
of disorganized exploitational fellings, the Croatian forests
remained not only the highest quality and most indigenous
in the former Yugoslavia, but also in the whole
of Europe. The developed forestry profession and science,
and spirit of forestry so characteristic for Croatian
foresters and the wole world, has been, and will continue
to be, a decisive factor in the growth and survival of
Croatian forests. Although forests, as a general wealth
meaning so much for good living, during centuries have
been under attack by profiteers of different colour
and provenances, Croatian forestry has always been able
to repulse all attacks of this kind. This is proved by the
fact that the area of Croatian forests has not diminished
by a single hectare for the last 100 years.

With the establishment of the independent and sovereign
state of Croatia, and with the new Forest Act of
1990, Croatian forestry strides along a new path of even
higher quality. It is primarily dominated by the unity of
the forestry profession, consequently reflecting in the
benefits within the fields of forestry policies, profession
and science.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the Public
Enterprise "Croatian Forests", Croatian Forestry Society,
Forestry Faculty of the Zagreb University and the
Forest Research Institute in Jastrebarsko form a powerful
group concerned with the forest as an all-Croatian

Today forests and forest land cover 43,5% of Croatia,
i.e. on 2.457.648 ha of which 79% are state-owned,
21 % privately and other owned. Growing stock amounts
to almost 300 million m3 with a mean annual increment
of 8.8 million m3, and felling allowed due to silvicultural
reasons, amounts to 5.5 million m3.

Croatian forests comprise 16% of conifers, while the
most important place among the broad-leaved forests
belongs to oak with 27%, beech 35% and other hardwood
and softwood broad-leaves with 22%.

Ninety-five percent of Croatian forests are of indigenous
structure, while only 5% are artificially raised
forests and forest plantations. With regard to this very
significant characteristic Croatian forests take first place
in Europe. Thus the indigenousness of our forests
ensures diversity and important, generally beneficial functions,
stability and possibility of their natural regeneration.