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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/1995 str. 35     <-- 35 -->        PDF

SUMMARY: During the last quarter of the century the forest ecosystems
in the Republic of Croatia have been exposed to increasingly aggressive
anthropogenic effects and series of dry years. Especially large changes have
occurred in the ground and surface water regimes in the lowlands forests of
the northern Croatia following the construction of large flood control systems
with flood storages and hydropower plants with reservoirs. The priority
problem is drying out of the forest basins through reduction in floods and
lowering of the groundwater tables, and decrease in quality of water which,
in conjunction with the periods of drought, leads to deterioration of vitality of
forest ecosystems, change in succession of forest sites from humid to dry,
spreading of the phenomenon of drying out of trees or parts of forest
management units. In order to successfully solve the increasing forest ecology
and forest management issue, a network of hydro-pedological piezometer
stations has been set during the last fifteen odd years.

Organized monitoring of ground and surface water has so far encompassed
several large forest basins, and further expansion is planned. A large database
has been collected. The tools of the Geographical Information System (CIS)
are increasingly ysed in organization, handling and interpretation of these
data. The obtained results are the background of the decision-making in forest
management and else. New hydro-pedological forest ecology mapping of
degraded areas with changed water regime is conducted. The ingress of
pollutants with contaminated flood waters into the forest soil is monitored.

Key words : lowlands forests, ground and surface water monitoring

Šumarski lisl br. 11 — 12. CXIX (1995), 383—389