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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/1996 str. 108     <-- 108 -->        PDF

Šumarski list br. 3—4, CXX (19%). 187—194
LITERATURA - References

l.Sjerobabski , \. (1975): Utjecaj buke i vibracija na zdravlje 8. ... ISO 5348: 1987, Mechanical vibration and shock - Mechani

i proizvodnost radnika, Zbornik referata savjetovanja Za- cal mounting of accelerometers

štita okoline od prekomjerne buke i vibracija, Opatija, str. 9. ... ISO/TC 108/SC4/14: 1974, Guide for the evaluation of the

human exposure to hand transmitted vibration

2. Bog adi-Šare, A.: Metode i kriteriji u dijagnostici vibracij- 10. ... DIN 45675: 1987, Einwirkung mechanischer Schwingungen
ske bolesti, Radovi 25(1990) 1, Šumarski institut Jastrebar- auf das Hand-Arm-System, Messung der Schwingungen von
sko, str. 133-149 Handkettensagemaschinen, Teil 1 i Teil 2
3.Radišić ,
I.: Utjecaj interminentne ekspozicije vibracijama na 11. ...DIN45671: 1987, Messung mechanischer Schwingungen am
prevalenciju vibracionog sindroma, Radovi 25(1990)1, Šu- Arbeitsplatz, Teil 1 i Teil 2
marski institut Jastrebarsko, str. 149-157 12. ... ČSN 470172: 1984, Metodika mereni vibraci na pracovišti

4. ... IEC 651: 1979, Sound level meters
13. ... NF E90-402: Guide pour 1´ evaluation de I´ exposition des
5. ... ISO 6531: 1982, Machinery far forestry - Portable chain saws individuus aux vibrations transmises aux membres superie-
6. ...ISO 5349: 1986, Guidelines for the measurement and the asse-
14. ... ISO 7505: 1986, Forestry machinery - Chain saws - Measussment
of human exposure to hand-transmitted vibration rement of hand transmitted vibration
7. ... ISO 5347: 1987, Method of calibration of vibration and pic- 15. Goglia V.: Osigurava li ISO 7505 mjernu ponovljivost?, Mehakups
nizacija šumarstva 19(1994)1
SUMMARY: It is a well known fact that the vibration level of the motor
chain saws is influenced by a large number of parameters. To provide for
repeatability and reproducibility of the vibration level measurements, the international
standards seek to give a clear definition of the measurement procedure
for measuring vibrations on the motor chain saw handles. Only a well-
defined measurement procedure enables the ergonomic evaluation of motor
chain saws and the choice of the type best meeting the imposed ergonomic

Unfortunately, the measurements of the vibration levels made in various
laboratories on the same motor chain saw showed substantially different results.
In inevitably leads to the conclusion that the measurement procedure
does not control all the significant parameters influencing the vibration level
of the motor chain saws. It is therefore necessary to do further research work
into the quantification of the factors of influence yet not mentioned by the international

Bearing this in mind, a research work on motor chain saw vibration levels
was done at the Faculty of Forestry, University of Zagreb, Croatia.

The following parameters were studied:


- chain strain,
- chain guide length,
level in tank,
- ways of gripping the motor chain saw handles.
The influences of these parameters were quantified by measurements. The
paper presents detailled research data and results, which are very interesting
in many respects: some of the obtained results were expected, but some of
them came as a suprise. The research results on the whole give us reason to
believe that this research work might contributed to the gradual improvement
of the procedure for measuring vibrations on the motor chain saw handles
and initiate the necessary changes of the relevant international standards.

Key words: chain saw, vibration, measuring procedure, international