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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/1996 str. 99     <-- 99 -->        PDF

S. Tomančić: IZBOR PREDMETA ISTRAŽIVANJA ŠUMSKIH RADOVA Šumarski lisl br. 3^ , CXX (19%). 179—186
zivniji u razdoblju od 1945 do 1960. godine, a zatim u radova. U razdoblju od 1941 do 1990. broj objavljenih
razdoblju od 1980 do 1990. godine. U idućem desetljeću radova po pojedinim grupama povećao se od četiri do
može se očekivati da će razvoj znanstvenih istraživanja devet puta godišnje.
u šumarstvu biti sličan razvoju u sadašnjem desetljeću.

Relativni odnosi između pojedinih grupa predmeta

Struktura predmeta istraživanja šumskih radova istraživanja i njihovi trendovi u razdoblju od 50 godina,
pokazuje da postoje značajne razlike između grupa mogu poslužiti za procjenu razvoja istraživanja šumskih
predmeta istraživanja. Najviše objavljenih radova odradova
u budućem desetljeću, te za utvrđivanje prioriteta
nosi se na studij rada, planiranje i kontrolu šumskih i izbor predmeta istraživanja.

7. LITERATURA - Literature
Bronowski , J. (1973): The Ascent of Man. BBC. Science HoRussell
, B. (1956): Human knowledge, its scope and limits. The
rizons Inc., London. Pag. 449. third edition. London. Pag. 491.
CAB International (1995): Tree CD-ROM. Wallingford, UK.

Sam set, I. (1992): Forest operations as a scientific discipline.
Dobr o v , G. M. (1966): Nauka o nauke. Naukova dumka, Kiev.

Norwegian Forest Research Institute, 44.12., As. Pag. 48.
Str. 220.

Silversides, C. R. & Sundberg, U. (1988): Operational

Drucker , P. (1985): Innovation and Enterpreneurship: Practice

Efficiency in Forestry, Vol. 1: Analyses Kluwer, Dordrecht.

and Principles. Harper&Row, New York. Pag. 259.

Pag. 169.

Goldsmith, M.&Mackay, A. (1964): Science of science.
Society in a technological age. Souvenir Pres Ltd, London. Sundberg , U. (1988): The emergence and establishment of for

H albert . M. N., Ackoff , R. U. (1958): Preprints of papers est operations and techniques as a discipline in forest scifor
international conference of scientific information. Washence.
Communications of the Norwegian Forest Research
ington, CD, November, 1958. Institute, 41.8, As. Pag. 109-137.

Kempf, A. (1990): Online Information on Forest Trees in BibSundberg,
U. & S i 1 vers i de s . C. R. (1988): Operational
liographic Databases. IUFRO XIX World Congress, Monefficiency
in Forestry, Vol. 2: Practice. Kluwer, Dordrecht.
treal, Proceedings of Division 6. Pag. 133-142. Pag. 220.

Lerner , A. J. (1975): Principi kibernetike. Tehnička knjiga,

Tomanić , S. (1974): A Work Study of Felling, Primary Con

Beograd. Str. 356.

version and Skidding of Wood. Faculty of Forestry Univer

Malecki, J.&Olszevski, E. (1965): Some regularitis of the

sity of Zagreb. Pag. 478.

development of science in the twentieth century. Organon,
Tomanić, S. & Martinić, I. (1993): Rukovođenje izvan

Warszawa, No.2.
Peters , T. (1988): Thriving on chaos. Perenial library. Harper & rednim šumskim radovima. Meh. šum. 18, br.3. Str. 191Row,
Publishers, New York. Pag. 708. 196.

SUMMARY: On the basis of a study of the selection of research subjects
in the field of forest operations, of the research subject selection criteria, and
an analysis of the structure of works published in the 1940-1990 period, the
following conclusions can be drawn:

Considerable mistakes are made when research topics are being selected,
no matter how experienced the researcher is. The results of these mistakes
are an unnecessary repetition of discoveries that have already been made,
the unusability of the results of the research, increase in costs and reduction
of the efficiency of scientific work.

A scientific research subject can be constituted by all the factors of the
operational and productive processes, their mutual inter-relations, factors
from the environment and their effect on forest operations. The list of factors
of forest operations that can form research topics is an open one. It is constantly
being added to an expanded. There is no reason ever to expect a final
version of this list.

During research into forest operations, as in science in general, there is
still an enormously spacious expanse of "no-man(s land". There are innumerable
unknown "patents" of nature waiting to be discovered. This is very
challenging for researcher, research institution and investor.