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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/1996 str. 59     <-- 59 -->        PDF


D e G r o o t, W. J. 1988. Forest ecosystems in mixed-M er i 11, D. E; Alexander, M. E., eds. 1987. Glossary
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Technol. Transfer Note S-003. 4 p.

Murar o . S. J. 1969. Amodular approach to a revised
Kiil , A. D. 1971. Forest-habitat inventory requirenational
fire danger rating system. In
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Contributions on the development of National
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Fire Danger Rating System. Can. Fish. For., Can.
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Lawson , B. D. 1972. An interpretive guide to the

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Canadian Forest Fire Behavior System. Environ.

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SUMMARY: Canadian preventive fire danger rating system Fire Weather
Index (FWI) is integrated into the new system Forest Fire Bahavior Prediction
(FBP) for fire planning. At the Forest Fire Institute in Riverside, CA. (USA) a
second generation mathematical model is being developed. In this project the
task of producing an integrated fire protection system was given, which is to
include fire weather index (FWI) information, fire behavior predicting (FBP)
and fire planning by the use of electronic and computer technology. It means
that fire suppresing crews in dislocated decision making in one or more centers
will obtain, based on the computer systems, all directions beginning with
the necessary manpower, equipment and fire suppressing aircraft to the location
to suppress the forest fire efficiently and economically.

The fire weather index system (FWI) will not lose in the future its identity,
although it will be invisible due to its integration into the mentioned systems.

Key words: Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System (CFFDRS),
Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index (FWI), Canadian Forest Fire Behavior
Prediction (FBP).