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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/1996 str. 42     <-- 42 -->        PDF

Šumarski lis) br. 9 10. CXX (1996). 4 19-424
El lenberg , H., 1978: Vegetation Mitteleuropas
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Fajmonova , E., 1978: Waldgeselschaften der Stra-cursionflora. Vierte Auflage. Eugen Ulmer Veržov
Berggruppe (Nordteil des Gebirges Stra-lag, Stuttgart.
žovska hornatina) Acta Fac. Rerum Nat. Univ. Pavletić, Zi.,Trinaj stić, I. i Sugar, I., 1982: Die
Comen. Botanica XXVI, 87 105, Bratislava. Warmeliebenden Hopfenbuchen Buchenwalder

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(Ostryo-Fagetum Wrab.) in Nordwest Kroatien.
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1978: Biljni pokrov Strahinščice u Hrvatskom

tumač geologijske karte Zlatar Krapina, Zagreb.

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Torok,K. Podani J. &Borhidi A., 1989: Nume

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gion). Studia Geobot. 12, 121 135.

SUMMARY: The Ivanščica mountain is one of the highets mountains of the
north west Croatia presenting at the same time the utmost southeastern spur of
the Alps.

Central parts of the montane belt are covered by the thermophilus beech
stands with specific floral composition. In the described as. Laserpitio
Fagetum, the Central European and Subalpine floral elements predominate
and arejoined, to a lesser degree, by the Sarmatian Pontic geoelements. As the
specific species of this association it is designated the species Laserpitium latifolium
which is also the dominant species in the understore, the species:
Sesleria sadleriana, Centaurea montana and Anlericum ramosum being designated
as differential ones. By comparing thermophilus beech forest floral
composition of adjacent regions it was found out that the stands resembling
most our association grow in Slovakia (E. Fajmonova 1978).

The stands of the as. Laserpitio Fagetum have a very important anti erosion
function and from this aspect special attention should be paid to them.

In terms of the syntaxonomy the as. Laserpitio Fagetum has been added to
the suballiance Ostryo Fagenion Borhidi (1963), the alliance Aremonio
Fagion (I. Horvat 1938) T6rok,Podani & Borhidi 1989, the order Fagetalia
sylvaticae Pawl. (1928) and the class Querco Fagetea Br. Bl. et Vlieg. (1937).