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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/1997 str. 21     <-- 21 -->        PDF

I.Trinajstić,J.Kamenjarin:FITOCENOLOŠKO-SINTAKSONOMSKA ANALIZA ŠUMA ČESMINE-... Šumarski list br. 3 4, CXXI ( 1997), 127-131

LITERATURA - References

Horvat, A., Plesa, V.,Gračanin, Z., Jedlov-Quercetea ilicis Br.-Bl. u jadranskom primorju
sky, D., Vrdoljak, Ž., Jovančević, M., Jugoslavije. Poljopr. Šum. (titograd) 31(2), 71-96.
1955: Istraživanja o regresiji i progresiji šumske Trinajstić , I., 1995: Sintaksonomska istraživanja
vegetacije i tala na kršu (Kozjak). Ann. Inst. Exp. šum a crnik e (Quercus uex L.) u istočnoj Istri
Forest. Jugosl.Akad. 1, 11-145. (Hrvatska). Šum. list 119(7-8), 223-226.

Kamenjarin , J., 1995: Floristička, fitocenološka i Trinajstić , I., 1996: Sukcesija vegetacije na požarifitogeografska
obilježja planine Kozjak iznad štima šuma crnike i crboga jasena as. Or«o-ö«er-
Splita. Mag. rad (mscr.). Zagreb. cetum üicis u Hrvatskoj. Šum. list 120(1-2), 3-7.

Trinajstić,I. , 1985: Fitogeografsko-sintaksonomski
pregled vazdazelene šumske vegetacije razreda

SUMMARY: In the littoral part of the Republic of Croatia, the basis of the
evergreen forest vegetation consists, as it is known, of the holm-oak -Quercus
ilex L. This gives to Hrvatsko primorje from the Mirna mouth in Istria, in the
northwest, to Prevlaka peninsula, in the southeast, characteristics of the real
Mediterranean (Eumediterranean). In that relatively large area, even according
to the European standards, the Q. ilex build several forest associaitons (cf.
Trinajstić 1985) some of which occupy larger surfaces and some rather small
ones. If however, an analysis of the data published so far with respect to the

floral composition of individual forest associations on the basis ofplantsociological
records is made, it can be seen that the data available are relatively
very poor (cf. Trinajstić 1995) and refer to the limited areas only. The floral
composition of the evergreen oak forests in many parts of Hrvatsko primorje
even after a 60-year plantsociological researches as yet has not been fully investigated
at all. One of such non-researched areas is the Kozjak shoulder.

The Kozjak shoulder which follows the coast line in the Kaštelanski zaljev
hinterland about 14 km in lenght is covered in the eastern part of its southern
slopes by the evergreen holm-oak forests (Quercus ilex). With regard to the altitude,
in lower position it is developed the ass. Orno-Quercetum ilicis and in
the position above 400 m the ass. Ostryo-Quercetum ilicis.

In the work, the syntaxonomic analysis of the floral composition of the said

forest associations has been made and it has been found out that the ass. Orno-
Quercetum ilicis is poorer with species (in 6 plantsociological records in total
23 species) and the ass. Ostryo-Quercetum ilicis richer with species (in 4
plantsociological records 44 species).