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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/1997 str. 13     <-- 13 -->        PDF

Šumarski list br. 5-6, CXXI ( 1997), 215-224


Hilf, H. H. (1967): Der Einfluss gesetzmässiger 5. Leibundgut , H. (1984): Die Waldpflege. III iz-
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22, sv. 3-4.

Weber , E. (1972): Grundrisse der Biologischen

4. Kramer, P. -Kozlowsky,T. (1960): Physiology
Statistik. 7. Auflage, Stuttgart.

of Trees, New York, Toronto, London.

SUMMARY: The shading impact of the parent stand tree crowns on the development,
structure and quality of natural young growth has been investigated
in the young growth (upper height about 2 m) of the natural Black Pine
stand (Pinus nigraj, where wood is being exploited in the tree-by-tree way. The
research was done on the test plots in which neither felling has been done for
the last 15 to 20 years, nor the young growth tended.

After the process of natural regeneration under the canopy of the parent
stand has been initiated, a special regeneration period in the pure Black Pine
stands should not last longer than 10 years, while the final cut should be carried
out when the natural young trees reach the height of 0.5 m.

Only exceptionally, if thicker trees are desired, some 15 to 20 trees of best
quality should be left per one hectare, in which case these trees would be felled
at the end of the second production period (rotation), in order to avoid the
damage on the trees in the regenerated stand. The distance between these preserved
specimens would be some 20 to 25 meters. Thus would an additional
volume increment be obtained.

An analysis of a naturally grown young black pine forest, in which tree-bytree
cuts have been applied, has shown the following:

1. On cambisols, developed upon gabbros, natural regeneration is going
on well, both under the protection of the tree crowns of the parent stand and by
sideways gush of seeds (at about 2 to 3 tree heights of the parent stand).
2. As the Black Pine requires much light, a special regeneration period
should not last longer than 10 years, or the height of the natural young growth
should be about 0.5 m.
3. The average height of the young trees, depending on the shade degree,
vary between 159 cm (the highest shade ) and 188 cm (the young tree has developed
in full light). The upper heights ranged from 202 and 229 cm. Those
young trees that had developed under the tree canopy, have decreased in
growth in the last three years, while the ones with less shade displayed a tendency
of increase. This conclusion has also been made as to the increment.
4. In the last four years, the least average height increment has been established
with the highest degree of shade (9.8 cm), while the highest increment
was achieved at full light (32 cm). Accordingly, three times higher increment
has been established with full light.