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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/1997 str. 42     <-- 42 -->        PDF

D. Pičman, T. Pentek i B. Mikić: PLANIRANJE I PROJEKTIRANJE ŠUMSKIH PROMETNICA Šumarski list br. 11-12, CXXI (1997), 609-616
0 razvoj programskih paketa za projektiranje svake
pojedine šumske prometnice, uvažavajući nedostatke
trenutno primjenjivanih programa


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0 uvađanje GPS-a (globalnog sustava pozicioniranja
koji se bazira na podacima dobivenim od
satelita koji kruže oko Zemlje) u fazu planiranja i
projektiranja šumskih prometnica.

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SUMMARV: In this century the personal computers have been usedsince the seventies
for theproblems that are related to forest roads. The development ofhardware,
and especially softvvare made it possible that the computer tools have become indispensable
in solving the problems related to planning and drawing up plans for forest
roads, i.e. simulation the rough grounds conditions and the choicefor the best system
of forest roads. However, the use of computers in Croatia is lagging behind the actual
program solutions in the world. The analysis ofthe situation and the steps that have to
be done in order to make these gaps as less as possible are the subject ofthis work.