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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/1997 str. 82     <-- 82 -->        PDF

tĐ. Rauš, Ž. Spanjol. B. Spanjol: ZNANSTVENOISTRAŽIVAČKI RAD NA NASTAVNO POKUSNOM ŠUM.... Šumarski listbr. 11-12, CXXI (1997). 645-656

of growing moufflons (Ovis ammon musimon), hog deers (Axis axis) and wild boars (Sus scrofa)
in specially enclosed areas will be examined. The research will give answers to numerous
questions of particular interest both for the study of biology of individual species, and for the
problems of hunting management on the Adriatic islands in the context of broader economic
activities (rational hunting management, hunting tourism, evaluation of the existing tourist offer,

Scientific-research work will be significantly enhanced by the study of the influence of
game on the forest ecosystem, of browsing and grazing on the vegetation, of game on the soil
and on stand regeneration and growth.

For the purpose of improved mating, some new hog deers (Axis axis) will be introduced into
the hunting ground. Moufflon (Ovis ammon musimon) and possibly wild boar (Sus scrofa),
at present not living in the hunting area, will also be introduced.

Graduate and postgraduate forestry students from the Forestry Faculty in Zagreb will particularly
benefit from field lectures, which will provide them with an opportunity to do practical
work in the subject of hunting management.

There is a Faculty building above St. Mare Bay converted from the former forester´s cabin
built in 1895. In the course of 1976, the building was thoroughly renovated and slightly enlarged,
and in 1994 and 1996, it was completely furnished. The building can accommodate 54
students, teachers and other staff members. There is a large water cistern next to the building,
and a new water pool was added for students´ needs. The electricity is obtained from generating

The second, third, and fourth-year students of the Forestry Faculty in Zagreb have their
practical work in the facility. In the course of one school year, the students of each year spend
3 to 6 days at the facility. Foreign forestry students also pay visits here.

Scientific work is conducted in experimental plots. A 1-ha permanent experimental plot (of
a total of100 existing in the Republic of Croatia) was established here as part of the international
project "Man and Biosphere" (UNESCO- MAB). Experts in various fields visit the plot
in order to explore the nature. A large portion of scientific work is carried out in the nursery.
The NPšO Rab is also frequently visited by various nature-scientific societies (the Croatian
Ecological Society, the Croatian Biological Society, and others), as well as by foreign scientists
and experts in the capacity of official guests of the Forestry Faculty in Zagreb.

In the forest of the NPŠO Rab there are 13 experimental plots in all, where research is carried

Scientific-research work on autochthonous climatological zonal association of evergreen
oak and flowering ash (Orno-Quercetum ilicis H-ić 1958) is done in the degraded stages of
evergreen oak forest growing in the NPSO Rab (and in the entire Kalifront area); in maquis,
coppice forests, and coppice with standards found in some parts of the facility.

The primary aim is to transform all degraded stages into a higher silvicultural form by applying
proper silvicultural treatments. The final goal to which every forestry expert and grower
should aspire is to achieve a regular forest of a high silvicultural form. In other words, a forest
in which seed-grown evergreen oak (Quercus ilex) will dominate, with other species growing
in the vertical profile of the understorey: strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo) jasmine box or
mock privet (Phillyrea media, P.latifolia), briar or heather (Erica arborea), laurustinus
(Viburnum tinus), balsam tree (Pistacia lentiscus) and others.

Research is being carried out into the indirect and direct conversion to one of the higher
silvicultural forms. Apart from this, a structural research into the evergreen oak stands, as well
as into the growth dynamics and coppice vigour are being done. By doing so, ecological requirements
and biological properties of the species belonging to this phytocoenosis are being
studied in depth.

The detailed research has resulted in the phytocoenological and pedological map of the

This facility if the only of its kind on the Croatian coast. This is why the NPŠO Rab should
be given much greater scientific importance as an ecological stationary station in this part of
the Adriatic and the Mediterranean. In any case, financial support should be requested from
interested international institutions, the Zagreb University, the City of Rab and others for the
purpose of defining and following research goals, the acquisition of instruments, the renovation
and a possible enlargement of the facility.