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ŠUMARSKI LIST 1-2/1998 str. 53     <-- 53 -->        PDF

Šumarski list br. I 2. CXX11 (1998), 3 1-52
20. *** "Hrvatske šume" p.o. Zagreb: "Hrvatske šume" 23. *** "Hrvatske šume" p.o. Zagreb: Poslovno izvje´
93, Ljetopis u riječi, slici i brojci, Zagreb 1993, šće 1991. - 1994., Zagreb 1995, str. 1-36.
str. 1-44. 24. *** "Hrvatske šume" p.o. Zagreb: Poslovno izvje

*** "Hrvatske šume" p.o. Zagreb: Poslovno izvje- šće 1995, Zagreb 1996, str. 1-74.
sce 1993, Zagreb 1994, str. 1-93. 25. *** "Hrvatske šume" p.o. Zagreb: Poslovno izvje22.
*** "Hrvatske šume" p.o. Zagreb: Poslovno izvje- šće 1996, Zagreb 1997, str. 1-64.
šće 1994, Zagreb 1995, str. 1-75.
ABSTRACT: In the period between 1989 and 1993 (Czechoslovakia) the
todav s Czech Repuhlic, like most countries in transition, witnessed the fali of
the industrial production and the living standard, hoth accompanied with the
ahrupt rise oftheprices. A turningpoint in the economy was theyear 1993. In
the period hetween 1994 and 1996, the grošs national product in the Czech
Repuhlic rose by 45 %, export by 52 %, import 85 %, and salaries 48 %. From
1990 until the end of 1996, the cumulative direct investments ofthe foreign
eapital amounted to about 6.8-10´´ USD.

The Czech ´coupon ´privatization is considered as the most successfullv implemented
privatization of ali transition countries ofthe Central and East
Europe, lt ended with more than 6 million shareholders. Besides the reform of
thefiscalpolicy, on Januarv 1 1993 the VATwas introduced. The 1997liberalization
ofthe by that time expressively restrictive monetarj policy caused the
rise in housing, some services and oil energy, and the fali of investments. After
a three-year period ofthe economic rise, the second half of 1997 announces
the recession ofthe Czech economy.

By making and accepting the state forestrv policy, the Czech Republic has
implemented the signed obligations of Strassbourg and Helsinki concerning
the participation ofthe countrv in the permanent international endeavors for
the protection and improvement ofthe Czech and European forests. It has thus
also complied to some ofthe conditions for entering the European Union.

In the process ofthe forest ownership restitution by the end of 1996, more
than 86 % of ali applications have been settled. The remaining are complex
cases that will be settled in court.

The Ministry of agriculture has developed an Information system that enables
operative and Interactive comparisons ofthe forest status beginning with
1984. A precondition for using the system was the development and implementation
ofthe GlS-technologies throughout the country.

Since 1994, for the purpose of informing the publie on the status and business
activitv ofthe countrv s forest economy, the Ministry of agriculture has issued
a statefinanced Yearly Report, collectively done by ali competent authorities
and individua/s. The fob was given to the Institute for Forest Care
and Management, a composite part ofthe Forest Department ofthe Ministrv
of Agriculture.

The health state of the forests has been evaluated on the base of satellite
photographv Landstat—TM. A standard Landsat—TM photograph covers
185 x 185 km in seven different colors with a pixels 30 x 30 m. The photography
is taken every 16 days from the distance of´700 km.

In štand restoration the ratio of the broadleaved seed/ings is increasing
yearly, for the purpose of gr a dual realization of the forest strategy policy
which says, that the forest stockper tree species should step-bv-step approach
farmer natura! relations. In order to achieve the natural štand structures per
tree species, a period of about 300 vears is assumed.