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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/1998 str. 17     <-- 17 -->        PDF

U. Kajba, t A. Krstinić, t N. Komlenović: PROIZV. BIOMASK STABLASTIH VRBA U KRATKIM OPHODNJAMA Šumarski listbr.3-4,CXXH(1998), 139-145
ZAKLJUČCI Conclusions

1. U klonskom testu proizvodnje biomase u kratkim 3. Učešće nadzemnog dijela biomase povećavao se
ophodnjama utvrđena je genotipska izdiferenciranost sa starosti, a najproduktivniji trispecies hibrid imao je
klonova glede produkcije suhe tvari po hektaru. najpovoljniji odnos podzemnog i nadzemnog dijela

2. Pri starosti od 4/5 godina trispecies hibrid vrba
(S. alba x S.fragilis x S. caprea), imao je procijenjeno 4. Utjecaj klona i sklopa ima dominantan utjecaj na
130 t suhe tvari/ha, stoje znatno veća produkcija u odprodukciju,
a utvrđeno je i postojanje interakcije klon x
nosu na testirane klonove bijele vrbe (Salix alba). razmak sadnje.
LITERATURA - References

Christersson, L., L. Sennerby - Forsse, L. skih ekosustava, Šumarski fakultet Sveučilišta u
Zsuffa , 1993: The role and significante of woZagrebu
i Šumarski institut, Jastrebarsko, Zaody
biomass plantations in Swedish agriculture. greb, pp. 9-21.
The Forestry Chronicle, Vol. 69, No. 6, str. 687

Krstinić, A., Komlenović, N, Vi đakov ić, M.,

693. Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto.
1989: Selection of White Willow Clones (Salix

Komi eno vić, N., Krstinić, A., 1969: Visinski rast alba L.) suitable for growing in mixed plantai
sadržaj mineralnih hraniva u lišću unutarvrsnih tions with Black Alder (Alnus glutinosa Gaertn.).
i međuvrsnih hibrida bijele i krhke vrbe. Šum. Anali za šumarstvo, br. 15/2, str. 17-36, Zagreb.
list, br. 7 - 8, str. 229 - 241, Zagreb.

Sennerby - Forsse, L., 1986: Handbook for energy

Komlenović , N., Krstinić , A., 1987: Genotipske Forestry. Swedish Univetsity of Agricultural
razlike između nekih klonova stablastih vrba s Sciences, 29 p.
obzirom na stanje ishrane. Topola br. 133 - 134,

Zsuffa, L., Sennerby - Forsse, L., Weisger

str. 29 - 40, Beograd.

ber, H., Hall , R.B., 1993: Strategies for Clonal

Komlenović, N., Krstinić, A., Kajba,D., 1996: Forestry with Poplars, Aspens and Willows. CloMogućnosti
proizvodnje biomase stablastih vrba nal Forestry II, M. R. Ahuja and W. J. Libby
u kratkim ophodnjama u Hrvatskoj. In: Mayer, (Eds.), str. 91-119, Springer - Verlag.

B. (ed.), Unapređenje proizvodnje biomase šumSUMMARY:
In the clonal test concerning the arborescent willow biomass
production in short rotation, a genotypical differentiation of clones has been
determined in respect of dry matter production per hectare. At the age of 4/5
years the trispecies willow hybrid (S. alba x S. fragilis x S. caprea) had a considerably
higher production in relation to the tested white willow clones (Salix
alba). The biomass share above the ground increased with the age, and the
most productive trispecies hybrid had the most favourable relation between
the plant underground and above-the-groundparts. The clone and site influence
is predominant for the production, and besides, the existence of a clone x
spacing interaction has been determined.

Key wo rds: arborescent willow clones, biomass, short rotation.