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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/1998 str. 38     <-- 38 -->        PDF

I. Ciallo: PROC.ILNA OSTLCT.NOSTI STABALA QBICNL BUKVK (hugiis xvlvaticu) D1GI IALNOM OBRADOM ... Šumarski list br. 3-4.CXX1I {19W). 155-164
Mansberger , R., 1992.: Ein System zur visucll-di- infracrvcnim kolornim (ICK.) aerosnimkama.
gitalen Zustandsbeurteilung von Baumkronen Magistarski rad. Šumarski fakultet Zagreb, 61 str.
auf Farb-Infrarot-Luftbildern. Disertation. Wien, p ra njić , A., 1990.: Šumarska biomctrika. Zagreb,

9 7 str

205. str.
Pernar ,
R., 1993.: Način i pouzdanost određivanjaoštećenosti
hrasta lužnjaka (Quercus robur L.) na

SUMMARY: The damage status assessment using colour infrared (CIR)
aerial photographs are usually performed by visual interpretatation. Aerial
photographs can be converted in digital form by scanning. The aim of this investigation
was to find out the possibilities of automation in the process of damage
status assessment on digital CIR aerial photographs due to the fact that
base colour components (red, green and blue - RGB) of tree crown are in the
strong relationship with its damage status. The investigation was performed
on 72 beech trees on CIR aerial photographs of national parks Plitvička jezera
and Risnjak, and management unit Brloško. The 54 trees were used in regression
analysis, and 18 for the testing of developed regression model. Average
accuracy was 27,8 % when the predicted values were classified into six damage
stages, and 56,9 % when the predicted values were classified into six
damage stages.