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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/1998 str. 17     <-- 17 -->        PDF

S. Orlić: MEĐUNARODNI POKUS PROVENIJENCIJA SITKANSKK SMREKE (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr. ) Šumarski list br. 5 -6, CXX11 (1998), 213-220
4. PREDHODNI ZAKLJUČCI Preliminary conclusions
Rezultati posljednje izmjere (15 godina od osnivaBrinnon
i 3006 Shelton) s nižih nadmorskih visinja
pokusa) u međunarodnom pokusu provenijencija na, a među najlošijima su provenijencije iz positkanske
smreke u sjeverozapadnoj Hrvatskoj, šumaridručja
sjevernog (Britanska Columbija) i južnog
ja Varaždin, ukazuju na sljedeće predhodne zaključke: (sjeverna Californija) prirodnog areala sitkanske


Provedena analiza varijance i F test pokazali su
da utvrđene razlike u pogledu visinskog i de-Ocjena kvalitete stabala s obzirom na pravnost
bljinskog rasta medu provenijencijama nisu bile debala, granatost, vitalnost, i produkciju pokazasignifikantne
(Tablica 2). la je da niti jedna provenijencija nije bez nega

tivnih bodova (0), a najlošije imaju sedam nega

Provenijencije s najintenzivnijim rastom i priras

tivnih bodova (-7), tablica 4.

tom su one iz savezne države Washington (3005

LITERATURA - References

Herve Van De Sype, 1995.: A Sitka Spruce Pro(
Bong.) Carr.), Radovi br. 80, str. 231-243, Šuvenances
in Peyrat 1.3181.1 A, Fild resultsat age marski institut, Jastrebarsko.
18, Joint Meeting of the IUFRO Working Parties

Pintarić,K.,Mekić,F., 1984.: The Growth in HeiS2.02.05,
06, 012 and 14, Limoges, Francuska.

ght and Diameter of Sitka Spruce (Picea sitchenSoren
Fl. Madesen , 1984.: IUFRO Sitka Spruce sis) of Different Provenances, IUFRO Interna

Ten provenance Experiment, IUFRO International
Sitka Spruce Provenance Experiment,

tional Sitka Spruce Provenances Experiment, Edinburg.

Edinburg. Lines , R., Samuel , C.J.A., 1984.: The Main IUFRO

Experiments with Sitka Spruce in Britain. Ten

Dokus , A., 1984.: IUFRO Sitka Spruce Provenance

Years Results, IUFRO International Sitka Spru

Experiment in Croatia, Yugoslavia: 9-Year He

ce Provenances Experiment, Edinburg.

ight and Survival, IUFRO International Sitka

Dokuš,A.;Gračan, J., 1978.: IUFRO Sitka spruce

Spruce Provenance Experiment, Edinburg.

international ten-provenance experiment in YuOrlić
, S.; Ocvirek , ML, 1989.: Pokus IUFRO progoslavia,
Proceeding of the IUFRO joint

sitkanske smreke (Picea sitchensis eting of working parties, Vancuver, Canada.

SUMMARY: In 1972 the Jastrebarsko Forestry Research Institute joined in
the international project (IUFRO) for studying the provenances of Sitka Spruce
(Picea sitchensis) in Europe. Seed samples were obtained with the help of
the Seed Husbandry Centre Humlbek, Denmark, which organise the procurement
and distribution of seeds for the majority of European countries. The research
programme includes 14 provenances of Sitka Spruce from the USA and
Canada (Table I). Seed samples were sown in the Spring of 1974. Saplings
2+0 years old were transplanted into seedbeds in the Spring of 1976, where
they were cultivated for the following two years. In the Autumn of 1977 seedlings
2+2 years old were transferred to a field experiment. The experiment
was established in the region of the Varaždin Forest District, G.j. Vinica-Plitvica,
Compartment 25. It is a region with a humid climate, soil is dystric cambisol
on gravel, height above sea-level approximately 240 m, eastern exposition.
With regard to vegetation it is a region with forests of Sessile Flowered
Oak and Common Hornbeam (Querco carpinetum croaticum Horv.L

The experiment was established in a randomised block design with four
replications, spacing between plants 2x2m. From each provenance 676plants
were planted (13x13 rows x 4 replications). Results of measuring in the 5th
and 10th years after establishment of the experiment have been published
(Orlić, Ocvirek, 1990). This paper presents the results of the last measuring,

i.e. in the 18th year after establishment of the experiment.