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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/1998 str. 48     <-- 48 -->        PDF

J. Oračan, I. Anić, S.Matić: POTRAJNO GOSPODARENJE 1 OČUVANJE BIOLOŠKE RAZN. HRVATSKIH SUMA Šumarski list br. 9 10, CXXI1 (1 998), 437-442
LITERATURA - References

Ferl in, F., 1997: Policy for conservation and sustaiStrittmatter,
M., 1997: Sustainable forestry in Gernable
development of forest ecosystems - Slovemany
- management practice and legal condinia
example. tions.

Gračan , J., 1996: Očuvanje biološke raznolikosti pleVidako
vić, M., Gračan , J., 1994 : Čuvanje i povemenitih
listača, Šumarski list 120: 355-359. ćanje biološke raznolikosti naših šuma. Zbornik
radova savjetovanja: Privatne šume u Hrvatskoj

Gračan , J., 1996: Present status of Noble Hardwoods

u ozračju rezolucija helsinške konferencije o za

in Croatia. Noble Hardwoods Network EUFOR-

štiti i očuvanju europskih šuma, HAZU, Zagreb,

GEN, IPGRI, Rome, Italy, Report on the first


meeting, 45-50.

Vi đakovi ć, M., Krsti n i ć, A., Gračan, J. 1996:

G ranho l m, H., Vahänen,T., Sah lb erg, S.,(eds.)
1996: Intergovernmental Seminar on Criteria
and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management
- background document, Ministry of Agriculture
and Forestry, Helsinki, 131 p. ***
Očuvanje genofonda hrasta lužnjaka u poglavlju
Oplemenjivanje hrasta lužnjaka, Monografija
Hrast lužnjak u Hrvatskoj, HAZU i "Hrvatske
šume", p.o. Zagreb, 140-144.
Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest
Liaison unit in Lisbon (eds.) 1997: Ministerial ConfeManagement
in Finland, Ministry of agiculturc
rence on the Protection of Forests in Europe and
forestry, Helsinki, 71 p.
Progres Report, Ministry of Agriculture, Lisbon,
62 p.
*** Sustainable forest management in France, Ministry
of agriculture and fisheries Paris, 72 p.

SUMMARY: The article repreesnt the National report on implementation
of Guidelines for Sustainable Forest Management (H,) and Conservation of
Biodiversity (H2) of Croatian Forests. This report has been prepared by the
national coordinators for implemention ofHl and H2. The report discuss the
implementation of the commitments of Resolutions Hi and H2; general measures
to promote sustainable forest management including the conservation of
biodiversity of Croatian Forests; Regulatory Framework; Institutional Framework;
Financial Institucions, Informational Means; and State of Forest.

Key words: sustainable forests management, biodiversity, implementation
ofHj and H2, promotion of forest management and biodiversity, Regulatory
and Institutional Framework; Financial Institucions, Information Means
and State of Croatian Forests.