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ŠUMARSKI LIST 11-12/1998 str. 20     <-- 20 -->        PDF

.1. Rosa: UTJECAJ FOSFOGIPSA IZ INDUSTRIJSKOG ODLAGALIŠTA NA HRAST LUŽNJAK (Qtieirus mhur) Šumarski lisl hr. 11-12. CXX1I (1998), 491-506

with the all concentrations was noticed. Although mitotic activity was hardly
lowered, a high number of the chromosomal aberrations was noticed of which
chromosome breaks were the most frequent ones. The most frequent mitotic
aberrations were c-mitosis and vagrant chromosomes.

In order to establish the immediate influence of phosphogypsum dumps on
cytogenetic changes of pedunculate oak we analysed root-tip cells of the
seedlings germinated from acorns which were collected from trees growing
close to the dump. Seedlings germinated from acorns collected in the seedling
stand served as negative control. No significant difference of the mitotic activity
between the germs near the dump and germs from the seedling stand was
noticed. On the other hand, the germs near the dump showed twice higher rate
of aberrations. Two types of chromosome aberrations; sticking and anaphase
bridges, and three types of mitotic aberrations; multipolar spindle, c-mitosis
and vagrant chromosomes, were noticed

Apart from the cytogenetic analyses of pedunculate oak, fluoride quantity
in the leafs of the trees growing close to phosphogypsum dumps as well as
trees from the seedling stand (control) was established. As increased quantity
of fluoride in the leaves of the oaks near the dump was noticed, we analysed
morphology of the epicuticular wax in leafs of the different development
stages using an electrone-scanning microscope. The analysis revealed the
connection between fluoride quantity in the leaves of pedunculate oak and the
degree of epicuticular wax degradation. In other words, the early degradation
(so called crust) of epicuticular wax on the stomata in the leaves of oaks close
to the dump was recorded, while in the control leaves the same was not observed.
Our research revealed the effect-complexity of the phosphogypsum
dump on the vitality and the reproductive capacity of pedunculate oak.