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ŠUMARSKI LIST 3-4/1999 str. 10     <-- 10 -->        PDF

N. Pick- i N. Juretić: VIRUSNA BOLEST POLJSKOG BRIJESTA (Ulmus minor Mill.) U HRVATSKOJ Šumarski list br. 3 4. CXXI11 (1999). 95-100
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SUMMARY: For the first time virus disease elm mottle of the field elm
(Ulmus minor Mill.,) is stated in Croatia. The virus was isolated on herbaceous
test plants and investigated.

Beside the well-known Dutch elm disease virus and virus-like pathogens,
which decrease vitality and resistance of the plant, are also responsible for the
widely distributed elm decline. Therefore, in this paper short review of virus
and virus-like diseases of elm is given. The information could be especially
useful for our forest phytopathologists.