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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/1999 str. 16     <-- 16 -->        PDF

J. Vukelić, D. Baričević & Z. Perković: VEGETACUSKE I DRUGE ZNAČAJKE ZAŠTIĆENOG DIJELA . Šumarski listbr. 7-8, CXXIII (1999), 287-299
LITERATURA - References

Dister , E., 1980: Geobotanische Untersuchungen in Rauš , Đ. & S. Matić , 1990: Vegetacijska i uzgojna
der hessischen Rheinaue als Grundlage fuer die istraživanja u G.J. "Vukovarske dunavske ade"
Naturschutzarbeit. Diss. Math.-Nat. Fak. Goet-PJ Šumarije Vukovar. Šum. list 114 (1-2: 5-44).

R a u š, Đ., 1992: Vegetacija ritskih šuma uz rijeku Dra

Gračan , J., 1996a: Prva sjednica Nadzornog odbora vu od Varaždina do Osijeka s težištem na varameđunarodnog
instituta za biljne genetske resurždinske
podravske šume. Glas. šum. pokuse 28 :
se. Šum. list 120 (5-6): 283-287. 245-256.

Gračan , J., 1996b: Očuvanje genetske raznolikosti

Rauš , Đ., 1994: Vegetacija ritskih šuma Podravine u
plemenitih listača. Šum. list 120 (7-8): 355-359. okolici Legrada na ušću Mure u Dravu. Zbornik

Gračan, J.&Krstin i ć A., 1997: Program očuvanja Simpozija "Pevalek", Koprivnica, pp. 87-100.
genofonda šuma u G. J. "Slatinske podravske šu

R a u š, Đ., 1994: Nizinske šume, Rauš, Đ. & Vukelić J.
me", Jastrebarsko, 19 p.

(urednici). U: Silvae nostrae Croatiae, Ministar

Hiigin, G., 1981: Die Auemvaelder des suedlichen stvo poljoprivrede i šumarstva Republike HrvatOberrheintals-
Ihre Veraenderung und Gefaehr-ske, 31-45..
dung durch den Rheinausbau Landshaft + Stadt,

Rauš,Đ. , 1995: Prijedlog za trajnu zaštitu "Slatinskih


podravskih šuma", Zagreb, 23. 10. 1995., pp. 1Krstinić,
A. & Kajba, D., 1995: Conservation of 19.
popular and arborescont wilow genetic resources

Vu k e 1 i ć, J., 1992: Šumska vegetacija poplavnog po

in Croatia. Populus nigra Network, Report of the

dručja i kontaknih zona Gornje Rajne u Njema

first meeting, pp. 29-36, IPGRI, Rome, Italy.

čkoj i problematika njene zaštite. Šum. list 116
Perković , Z., 1999: Fitocenološke značajke zaštiće

(1-2): 27-40.
nog dijela slatinskih podravskih šuma. DiplomVukelić,
J., & Rauš, Đ., 1997: Lowland Forest of

ski rad, šumarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu,
Croatia. Europian Forest Institut, Springer Ver

46 p.
lag, Berlin.

Rauš , Đ., 1976: Vegetacija ritskih šuma dijela Podunavlja
od Aljmaša do Iloka. Glas. šum. pokuse Osnova gospodarenja G. J. "Slatinske podravske šu19:
7-75. me" za razdoblje od 1998. do 2007. godine.

SUMMARY: Some twenty kilometres north of Slatina, along the Croatian-
Hungariah border on the River Drava, there are 705 ha ofvery valuable and
interesting riparian forests, which were proclaimed " forests
for scientific research " in 1996. Over a relatively small and scarcely affected
area there are examples ofsite and vegetation succession ranging from river
sandbanks withpurple and almond willow (/Salix purpurea and Salix triandra,
to high positions dominated bypedunculate oak (Quercus robur).

Fortunately, the Republic of Croatia is among those countries which
abound in proper riparian forests. According to the data ofthe public enterprise
"Croatian Forests", there are still about 20,000 ha of riparian forests
along the Drava andDanube, halfofwhich are taken by white willows and the
rest by poplars and other riparian species. The majority of these forests are
found in Baranja, which further increases the value ofremote, isolated localities
such as the "Slatina Podravina Forests ".

Vegetative research have shown exceptional natural-scientific value ofthe
705 ha of riparian forests along the River Drava in the Management Unit
"Slatinske Podravske Sume "(the Slatina Podravina Forests).

Seven plant comunities with approximately 150 species, found in the alluvial
areas along the Drava and the Danube, have been studied. They are
shown in the vegetation map M: 1: 25,000, and have the following systematic