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ŠUMARSKI LIST 9-10/1999 str. 24     <-- 24 -->        PDF

D. Ballian, T. Mikić. K. Pintarić: ANALIZA USPIJEVANJA 5 PROV. Z. DUGLAZUh. U POKUSU BATALOVO BRDO Šumarski list br. 9-10. CXXII1 (1999), 423-430
LITERATURA - Literature

Khan , S.A. 1982: Zavisnost taksacionih elemenata i nijencija, Radovi Šumarskog fakulteta u Sarajenekih
fizioloških karakteristika duglazije od provu,
god XI

venijencije i uslova staništa. (Disertacija) ŠuPintarić
, K. 1973: Ritam prirašćivanja u visinu dumarski
fakultet Sarajevo.

glazije (Pseudotsuga taxifblia Britt.) u toku goKomlenović,
N., Orlić, S.,Rastovski,P. 1995: dine u ovisnosti od provenijencije, Šumarski list
Uspjevanje šest četinjača u području bujadnica i 7-8/83 st. 331-346

vriština, Zagreb, Šumarski list 5-6/95, st. 169-P i n t a r i ć, K. 1979: Rezultati proučavanja prirašćiva

nja duglazije na nekim staništima Bosne, SaraMikić,
T, Vučetić, M., Pintarić, K. 1988: Rejevo
zultati testa različitih provenijencija ariša i du

P i n t a r i ć, K. 1989: Proučavanje prirašćivanja IUFRO

glazije na oglednim plohama Šumarskog fakulduglazije
različitih provenijencija na oglednoj

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"Crna lokva" Bosanska Gradiška, Šumar

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ća zajednice Šumarskih fakulteta i Instituta za

S i d ž a k, D. 1990: Analiza produktivnosti duglazije na

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P i n t a r i ć, K. 1966: Rezultati prvih istraživanja dugla

zije (Pseudotsuga taxifblia Britt.) raznih prove

Vi d a k o v i ć, M. 1982: Četinjače, Zagreb st. 583-589

SUMMARY: A field experiment area involving five Douglas fir provenances
at the locality named Batalovo brdo, 20 km westwards from Sarajevo, was
established in the year 1966. After three measurement actions being performed
in 1980, 1990, and in 1997 the following results are obtained:

The leading provenances in terms of height and diameter increments and
volume of average trunk is the provenance 25-1,5 (Wiskah), and the lowest one
is the provenance 12-2,0 (Canada).

The provenance for the total volume per a hectare was the provenance 651,0
(Darrington), while the worst provenance was 12-2,0. This can be expected,
since the provenance 65-1,0 showed a high grade of surviving property,
and the medium one for the average height and diameter.

The experiment area showes the lack of a protection belt of same sort, because
of presence of marginal effect, what affect the investigation results. The
occurrence of marginal effect showes that more light is necessary for development
of the Douglas fir.

On the basis of a comparison with the earlier investigatins one can conclude
that the valuable conclusions on the production abilities can bi drawn
still in a early stage. In our case, as far as 1980, upon the measuring action.