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ŠUMARSKI LIST 5-6/2000 str. 26     <-- 26 -->        PDF


Šumarski list br. 5 6. CXXIV (2000). 279-284

4. ZAKLJUČCI - Conclusions

Rezultati RAPD analize sugeriraju daje stari čempres,
u vrtu Franjevačkog samostana u Hvaru, intro-
ducirani genotip iz nekog drugog zemljopisnog područja.
Sigurnija potvrda bila bi moguća uz analizu
većeg broja genotipova s otoka Hvara i kod barem
100 RAPD lokusa;

Dva mlada stabla čempresa u vrtu Franjevačkog samostana
u Hvaru nisu vegetativni potomci starog stabla,
već su vjerojatno njegovi generativni potomci;

Stari hvarski čempres moguće je autovegetativno
razmnožiti putem ožiljenica od zelenih reznica uz
primjenu IBA u koncentraciji od 4000 ppm, unatoč
njegovoj procijenjenoj dobi od 300-350 god.;

Istraživani genotipovi koji pripadaju var. sempervirens
iskazali su bolji potencijal vegetativnog razmnožavanja
od onih koji pripadaju var. horizontalis.

5. LITERATURA References

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forms of Cypress. 2nd FAO/IUFRO World Consult.
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isoenzyme variation in Mediterranean cypress
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Raddi,S., Di Lonardo, V., Sufra,M., 1990: The
use of biochemical markers to distinguish cypress
clones. Progress in EEC Research on Cypress
Diseases. Commission of the European
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Rholf, F. J., 1990: NTSYS-pc Numerical taxonomy
and multivariate analysis system, version 1. 60,
New York Exeter Publishing Ltd.

Sch i 11er, G. 1993: Foliage resin composition of Cu-
presus semprevirens L. as affected by environmental
factors. Silvae Genetica 42 (6): 297-301.

St re i ff, R., Labbe, T., Bac i 1 i re i, R., S te i nke 1 -
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Vidaković, M., 1993: Četinjače, morfologija i varijabilnost.
Grafički zavod Hrvatske i Hrvatske
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SUMMARY: The old cypress of Hvar ("Cupressus sempervirens var. horizontalis (Mili.)
Gord., is about 300-350years old, with a characteristicalphenotype and an unusual morphological
branch appearance, that incited the research of its genotype. The results of
RAPD analysys suggest that the old cypress, in the garden of Franciscan monastery, is an
introduced genotype from another geographical region. A more reliable confirmation
would be possible by the analysis of a larger number of genotypes from the island of Hvar
and with at least 100 RAPD loci. Two younger cypress trees in the garden of Franciscan
monastery in Hvar are not vegetative progeny of the old tree, but more likely its generative
progeny. The old cypress of Hvar can be propagated autovegetativ ely by means of roofings
of summer cuttings using IBA in concentration of 4000 ppm, in spite of its age estimated to
300-350 years. The researched genotypes belonging to the var. sempervirens showed a
better potential for vegetative propagation than those belonging to the var. horizintalis.

Key w o rds : Cupressus sempervirens, genetic analysis, RAPD.