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ŠUMARSKI LIST 7-8/2000 str. 61     <-- 61 -->        PDF


pating countries through achieving a better understanding of the social and economic
impacts of bioenergy systems at the local, regional, national and international
level. In some instances this will involve linking bioenergy projects with other renewable
energy supply systems such as wind, solar and small hydro. The key priority will
be the analysis of the economic and social aspects and the net overall benefits of
bioenergy use, and the development and promotion of tools and guidelines for their
determination. Environmental considerations are also important in the overall context
of this work and will be given due weight. Equally important is the biomass contribution
to rural and remote areas in which biomass production for energy often
takes place. Since bioenergy production and use can improve the quality of life for
people living in such areas (job creation, local and regional economic activity stimulation,
reduced pollution), the Task will actively incorporate such considerations.

Milestones and activities planned:

2000 - detailed planning session

- identification of issues and themes

- selection and commissioning of scientific experts

- identification of regions for the study

- data gathering and collation to a previously agreed format

- workshop in the UK (focus on issues and data) with invitations to targeted
non-participating countries to attend (including transition countries)

- establishment of an official Task web site

- distribution/sharing of information of known models of relevance to the Task

2001 -publication of E´ workshop proceedings

- work by scientific experts on issues

- review of existing tools

- selection (and if necessary development) of optimised or hybrid tools

- application to regions and generation of first results

- mid-Task assessment and, if necessary, re-orientation

- workshop in Canada (focus on tools, guidelines and their application)

- promotion planning

- Internet conference

2002 - publication of´2´"1 workshop proceedings

- final work by scientific experts on issues
-presentation of tools and guidelines developed

- workshop in Croatia (focus on the benefits of bioenergy systems to the community)

- participation in the major linked event with major promotion effort

- publication of 3"´ workshop proceedings

- summary document, final Task report

- planning of Task continuation (if appropriate)

Although the Task will emphasise the local/regional level, full account will be taken
of the overall national and international framework within which the regions
must work. Regions for study will be chosen so that they are complementary in nature
and have a particular broad socio-economic challenge or focus. Bias will be strongly
toward rural and peri-urban areas however contrasted with urban centres.

Special attention will be given and linkage will be made to ongoing and planned
projects and programmes which relate closely to the work proposed here, such as
those projects identified by the European Commission, IPCC, UNDP, World Bank,
etc. Such linkages will benefit the Task participants by drawing in additional expertise
and experiences, thereby ´´gearing up" the efforts further whilst ensuring that
there is no unintentional duplication of activities.